Welcome to Night Raid Prt 1

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"You have to wake up." I hear a voice in my head, "You must help those in need. Work as a team and restore the order in the Empire. Wake up... wake up..."

"What are we going to do with him." I open my eyes slightly to see Leone talking to a pink haired girl, "If he's an enemy, then why is he here?"

"I can't stand seeing someone suffering," Leone answers, "no matter what. Plus he's an old friend and I trust him. When we fought, he didn't try to kill Tatsumi and I. If he wanted to, he could've killed us both easily."

"He's not that strong if he lost against you two!" The pink haired girl looks back at me and I close my eyes, "I mean look at the pathetic state he's in. You did most of the damage done to him! If I was you, I would've left him to die!"

"You don't mean that Mine." Leone walks over to the bedside, "He could be a valuable asset to us. We need all the help we can get."

"Once Najenda decides," Mine says, "I'll be the happy to get rid of him."

The door opens and shuts with a bang.

"Shit!" Leone sits down on the bed, "I know you can't hear me, but Najenda isn't too fond of you killing our targets and picking fights with the Revolutionary Army. Look back there in the Empire, I truly believe that you could've beaten Esdeath, but you were injured. If we didn't pick a fight with you, you could've killed Esdeath and the war would be over by now."

"I'm still not strong enough." I smile, "You haven't changed a bit Leone."

"You're awake!" Leone leans over me, "Did you hear all that?"

"Yup," I open my eyes, "Every last bit of it. It didn't matter what I did, Esdeath would still have won. I've never fought her before. I'm just not strong enough to do anything."

"You're strong enough to defeat two Imperial Arms users at the same time," Leone stands up, "take on Tatsumi and I, and almost kill Esdeath. Not to mention wield three Imperial Arms. I think you're strong enough to do anything you want to."

"If I do get asked to join," I sit up in pain, "I'll think about it, but no promises. Where's Lissia?"

"Down below getting an Imperial Arms."

"She can't fight! She isn't going to!" I grip my body in pain, "I can't let her!"

"She's made the decision." Leone says going to the door, "I'll go and tell her that you're awake. Now don't go and leave. You need to rest."

The door shuts behind her and I get off the bed weakly. Bandages nearly cover my entire body. It's from both fights, but it feels like it's been forever since I fought. Have I been out long? I look down at my waist and see Shinorensa still on me, so is the sword and Chirko is sitting in the corner. That could be a mistake, but they know I can't use a weapon and in no condition to fight.

I go to the window and see that it's storming outside. Seems like I'm not a favorite around here. The Revolutionary Army will probably want me dead. Even they don't fight fairly. My thoughts flash back to the battle with Esdeath. I see myself near death fighting a near impossible fight. The battle hasn't even started yet, but I'm already dripping blood from the fight with Leone and Tatsumi. Lissia is cowering in a corner and I'm her only defence. I didn't realize it until now, but more soldiers appear in the alley. How did they not get close to me. I was so focused on the Esdeath, that I didn't see or know that I was killing the soldiers showing up. I was determined not to lose the battle or Lissia.

I see myself speeding around and slashing at Esdeath. I really did a great job. Maybe Leone was right. If I was at my full strength, I may have been able to kill Esdeath. Wait! How did I get here? I remember hear Leone's voice and lifting me up, but after that, it's all clouded and muffled voices. Tender hands, probably Lissia's, tending to my wounds. And then here I am. How am I even able to stand? I shouldn't be able to stand with these wounds.

The door opens and I turn slowly to see Lissia standing in the doorway. She rushes forward and hugs me tightly. I grit my teeth and hug her back. Her blonde hair is so soft. I notice a bow on her back.

"Is that the Imperial Arms?" I ask backing up.

"That's not important right now." She says looking at me with teary eyes, "What's important is that you're alive. Now I can do a full check up on you."

"You can do that later."

"Oh Najenda." Lissia turns and waves to a women standing in the doorway, "He needs medical attention though."

"Before that though," Najenda marches up to me, "he needs to have an answer ready for me. Will you join or will we have to kill you."

I look over at Lissia who's looking at me and nodding her head yes. If she's joined, then I should too. I don't want anything to harm her, "Yes if Lissia is joining then count me in!"

"That's the answer I wanted to hear." Najenda holds out her hand, "Welcome to Night Raid Crow."

"I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused to everyone." I shake her hand, "Now what Imperial Arms is that Lissia?"

"It's called Ikezuno, Bow of life and death." Lissia takes it off her back.

"I'll elaborate more." Najenda takes the bow and holds it in the light, "This bow has the power to heal and the power to kill. Whatever arrow the user thinks of, life or death, they may use it to kill enemies or heal allies. It'll be useful in battles to come and now."

"Wait what?" I step back, "You're going to shoot me with an arrow?!"

"Don't worry," Lissia takes the bow and an arrow of light appears in her hands, "This won't hurt a bit."

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