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Lissia and I continued to train throughout the day under watch from Leone. She helped both of us, Lissia more than me since she's never had to fight before. Lissia learned the proper way to pull back an arrow and how to aim at a target no more than a speck. Lissia hit the target multiple times. My only targets are the trees.

"I'm going out further into the forest to test Shinorensa and myself." I tell Leone, "Watch Lissia for me."

I didn't wait for an answer and sprint into the forest. If I want to test how strong this weapon is, I need to get away from people. I don't want anyone getting hurt because of me. When I start using Shinorensa, it's like I take on a different mentality. Protect my friends and destroy my enemies no matter how strong. If I want to destroy the corruption of the Empire, I need to get stronger and I need to learn to work with Night Raid. Taking down the Empire won't take long, but working as a team is something I have never done before.

I slow down my pace and come to a sudden stop. I know Leone will want to see my full abilities and report them to Najenda. That's something I can't stop from happening. I let the chains slide out from my waist and into the armbands. I whip them out in a blink of an eye and destroy the trees around me. One blade behind me and the other in front of me, I throw them both forward into the side of the mountain. This is more like it. I don't have to worry about anybody out here or the city. Confined in the city, I couldn't do much, but out here, I'm free to push my abilities. I reel in the blades and I'm sent flying towards the mountain side. I whip the blades around and cut through a portion of the rock. I slam my foot into the rock and shatter it into a thousand pieces.

(Whistling) "That's impressive blade work." Leone and Lissia appear from the forest, "Best I've seen since Akame arrived."

"Shinorensa is Chains of Death." I correct her, "It won't be long until I'm ready to face Esdeath again."

"Hold your horses there tough guy!" Leone punches me in the arm, "Najenda needs to know if you're ready or not. Plus we have to take out the Jaegers."

"I've heard of them." I look at the ground, "Some of the most powerful Imperial Arms users are in the Jaegers. I feel if we can take them out, then Esdeath will have no choice but to come face us herself."

"We'll be ready when that day comes around." Najenda's voice rings out from behind me, "I think that Crow and Lissia should be given their first mission. They already work together well. I see no reason not to give them a mission."

"What are we going to do?" Lissia steps forward.

"You are going to kill a Jaeger." Najenda says, "Crow I'm sure you know her already."

"Seryu." I say flatly, "I'll kill her for betraying me!"

"Better get a move on then." Najenda smiles, "Scouts reported that she's on patrol around the outskirts of the city. Seems that she's checking to see if you're still around. Ambush her and kill her and her Imperial Arms."

"No problem." I turn to Lissia, "Come let us be on our way."

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