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I open my eyes slowly to the blinding light. Is this what it's like to be dead? I then realize that there is a shadow hovering over me and that shadow is Leone. How am I alive? I remember collapsing on the spot in a pool of my own blood. How am I alive? I lost so much blood. I shouldn't even be alive. Esdeath is dead though. That's all that matters to me. The Empire is dead and a new world has begun.

"You're alive!" Leone hugs me tightly, "I was so worried about you! What did you do to the place?"

I ignore her for a minute trying to raise my right arm. Nothing.

"The nerves and muscles in your arm is shot to hell." She says, "But some will soon heal and you'll get some movement in your arm back."

"Esdeath?" I whisper, "Is she dead?"

"Dead as can be." She smiles, "You did it. Xero is dead. Esdeath is dead. The Empire is dead and you are alive."

"How bad am I hurt and how am I alive?" I laugh a bit and then grit my teeth in pain.

"Most of your ribs are broke and lucky that your lungs are still breathing." Leone explains, "Plus we're bloodkin; bound in blood you know that. Remember when we first met? We became bloodkin."

"Yeah." I take a big breath, "Yeah I remember that day. You had to save me from the shopkeeper when I robbed him. We decided to make a pact. I never forgot that day."

My eyesight grows blurry and I sink back into blackness. The last thing I feel for a while is Leone's soft caress. I may not be able to fight anymore, but I don't need to.

****Hope you all enjoyed this! :D*****

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