Old Friends, New Scars

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So here I am facing my former friend. Who knew our paths would cross again? I sure didn't. Once I joined the guard, we stopped playing together and we went our separate ways. Leone went towards assassinating high ranking targets of the Empire and I chose to preserve it. Now I just don't know what to do. I don't want to join them... at least not yet. I need to prove that I'm strong enough to do what they do. I don't want to kill Leone, but if a battle between Imperial Arms users ends in death for one or both users, then one of us have to die and I won't allow it to be me.

I grip the sword tightly in my grasp. It fits perfectly and it's lightweight. I'm surprised that such a mighty sword is like this. I turn my attention back to my opponents. I won't take them lightly like I did the last two. They're nothing compared to them. I sense a powerful aura surrounding these two; Leone more than the kid.

She gets down onto all fours and bounds forward at lightning speeds. I slash the sword down, but hit nothing but air. Claws rake my left ankle and I fall to one knee. She's fast, but this sword should make me able to see her movements! Before I could recover, here comes the kid swinging his sword down. I react as fast as possible and block the blow that could have killed me. I push up and knee him in the gut and then send him flying with a powerful kick. He skips across the ground and steadies himself. A shadow blocks the moon out and I turn and see Leone inches from my face. I block her punch, but wasn't able to stop her from slamming her other fist into my gut. It felt like a building fell on me. I stumble backwards with Leone kicking and punching. I block every blow. I'm starting to get used to the blade now. I dodge to the side and slash Leone's side. Blood sprays the ground. I didn't get a chance to celebrate or catch my breath. Incursio is gone. I look around and see nothing. He could have gone invisible. I grip my stomach in pain. Leone hurt something badly. I can't heal as quickly as she can. I see something out of the corner of my eye and see Incursio becoming visible running at me at full speed. I duck underneath his sword and slam a fist into his side. I knock his sword aside and kick him in the head a few times before grabbing his arm and cracking it across my knee. Esdeath trained me well at hand to hand combat. Leone isn't the only one who can kill with their bare hands. The boy inside the armor screams out in pain as he stumbles backwards holding his broken arm. I'm just as surprised as him. I didn't know I had the strength to do that. Then my body is rocketed with punches and kicks from Leone. I wasn't ready for that. Their whole battle style is in sync. I can't win this using Masakado, but I don't want to show them my true strength. They'll hunt me down to the ends of the Earth to either kill me or get me to join Night Raid. I slam into a building feeling it crumble behind me after Leone sent me flying with a kick to my face. All I see is red. I feel like I've fallen off of a mountain and hit every rock on the way.

"It doesn't have to end this way." Leone lands nimbly in front of me, "You can still join us."

"I don't work well with a team." I say weakly stumbling out of the hole in the building, "I don't listen to orders well either."

I hold the sword up and let its strength wash over me. I fly by Leone and head straight for Incursio who's still holding his arm. I drop the sword and draw on Shinorensa for a higher speed and strength. Before Incursio knew what hit him, I leave him writhing on the ground holding his sides. I nearly killed him and I didn't even use Shinorensa's full power. I feel my legs grow weak as the damage that Leone dealt to me finally catches up with me.

"I'm sorry about having to leave so sudden," I say trying not to fall down, "but I really must go. We will meet again and I will defeat you next time."

I jump into the air and use the chains to leave the scene before I collapse. I get away and slam into the ground and roll over onto my back breathing hard. I nearly died. That's the first time that I really felt close to death. I won't allow that to happen again! I struggle to my feet. There's only one person I trust around the Empire to treat my wounds, and that's Lissia. She's a year younger than me with a gift for healing. I only met her on the streets just after my first fight with Shinorensa. She took me in knowing that I'm being hunted. She can't let another person suffer. We became friends instantly. She's the main reason I can't leave. I didn't want to tell Leone and the boy in Incursio that. It would've made me look weak. That's something I can't afford right now.

I stumble into the alleyway that leads to her backdoor. I slump against the wall of her house and use the knock we use for each other. She gets hundreds of patients a day, but she makes time for me. I always tell her to treat others first. She usually does after making sure that my wounds aren't too serious, but I don't think that'll be the case tonight. As I'm sitting here slumped against the wall, blood pools around me. Leone is a strong fighter, but that kid still needs a lot of work.

The door opens and I stare into her blue eyes. Her eyes are filling with tears as she looks at me.

"Got a little banged up." I laugh lightly, "You busy?"

"For you, I'm never busy." She steps aside to let me in, "Hurry up and sit on the last bed on the right!"

I limp into the crowded room. It's not really a hospital, it's just a clinic for the people in the slums. I sit on the bed and the energy is instanly sapped out of me. All the adrenaline that was rushing through me finally left me.

"Did the Empire do this to you?" She asks taking off my shirt, "Oh my! You're lucky to be alive!"

"Why you say that?" I say looking down at my chest and find that a wooden piece from a window is embedded in my chest! How did that not kill me?

"You didn't notice that?" She says gripping the wooden piece, "I'm going to pull this out on three okay?"

I nod my head.

"Alright one!" She pulls the wooden piece out and I nearly cry out in pain. I wanted to, but I know she doesn't want to hear it... at least not from me, "You alright? The wound isn't too deep. I'll have this patched up in no time. Now just sit still."

She grabs her needle and thread and begins to sew up the wound.

"You have several lacerations along your sides and your legs." She says sticking her tongue out in concentration, "Who did this to you?"

"An old friend." I say looking out the window and notice that several guards are marching past, "Just an old friend."

"Seryu couldn't have done this to you." She says finishing up, "What do you mean by 'old friend'?"

"From my childhood." I say not looking away from the window. The guards haven't moved yet, "Lissia, you need to stop now."

"I can't stop helping you Crow!" She says looking me in the eyes, "No matter how much you don't want it, you're getting help!"

"I know that," I tell her sternly, "look outside! The building is surrounded. I got to go or you'll be killed for treason."

"Crow." She says quietly, "If you're leaving the city, then I'm coming with you!"

"No you're not!" I yell, "Esdeath could be out there and if you come with me, she'll kill you!"

"You're wounds are worst than you think," She says feeling my ribs, "lots of internal damage. With the right ingredients, I can fix that..."

I grab my shirt and ready Shinorensa. They can come in at any moment and kill both of us. I'm in no condition to fight even with Shinorensa. I didn't want to take any chances and split Shinorensa's blades into a hundred blades each. There are too many soldiers out there to count. It seems that Esdeath has finally had it. In one swift motion, I send the blades crashing through the window and walls. Behind me, Lissia screams and ducks behind the bed. All I hear are the screaming soldiers as the blades hit their mark.

"Lissia!" I look behind me and return the blades back to normal, "RUN! Get to a gate and leave the city! I'll find you I promise!"

"You promise?" She asks quietly.

"Of course he won't be keeping that promise." Esdeath's voice speaks out through the dust and debri, "Because both of you will die here tonight, I'll make sure of that. As traitors of the Empire, you are hereby sentenced to death, the both of you!"

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