Towards a Better Future

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Those days are behind me now. Sitting around training and doing nothing every day. That's all behind me now. I can't go anywhere in the Empire without being hunted down. How many men and women have I killed now? 100? 200? Hell it doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm beginning to tire. I can't keep running like this. If I leave the city, I'll be hunted down by the Revolutionary Army. I won't even have a chance to rest out there.

Using Shinorensa is new to me yet. I'm still trying to figure out its abilities. I have learned recently that I can split the blades into as many blades as needed and kill multiple enemies at once. The other ability is that I can use the split blades and run them through the ground. They act as a security blanket for me and let me sleep. I've learned the vibrations of the soldiers. I can tell the difference between civilians and soldiers. I can even kill the soldiers before they know what hit them.

Now I just sit and wait. I doze off still being aware of the vibrations. It's only been two months since I was betrayed by my best friend. I will never forgive her for that. Once I'm strong enough, I will kill her without a second glance. Running away I can understand, it's the fact that I was betrayed that hurt the most.

A vibration comes in from the east. It's close too. Their's two of them. That's not much. How did they get past the ones that were further out? I move the chains around and try to hit the soldiers. I hit nothing but buildings. How did they dodge that fast? Has Esdeath sent in Imperial Arms users? If she has, this will be an interesting fight. I've never fought with a user before. I've heard that they always end in death. I'll make sure that I won't die. I have to keep fighting. I won't let Esdeath win.

I call the chains back in and form them back into two blades. Shinorensa; chains of death that have unlimited range. Every chain link has sharpened spikes on them. I just don't have to kill with the blades; the spikes themselves are enough to kill. I get up off the ground and ready myself for a fight.

They jump down from the building I was leaning up against. One in front of me with a sword and one behind me with a chakram. I've heard of charams, but never seen one in person.

"So Esdeath finally got tired of losing and sent in Imperial Arms users?" I call out not looking at them, "You'll just end up dying like all the rest."

"Don't be so cocky Crow." The man in front of me speaks out, "Esdeath only wants to execute you for stealing that weapon."

"I think introductions are in order first." The woman behind me calls out to the man, "We know you Crow, but you don't know us and our weapons. I'll go first. I'm Maileen and I wield Chirko: The chakram of many faces."

"You're too polite Maileen," the man murmurs under his breath, "but I guess he should know the names of his killers. Name's Steiger and I wield Masakado: The bladed necklace. The sword can go into a necklace and is strengthened by the users truth and ideals. It also gives the user incredible speed and jumping ability. That is all you need to know before you die."

"Try me you fools." I ready Shinorensa, the armbands forming around my wrists to protect me from the spiked chains, "I'll kill you and gladly take your weapons."

"You arrogant bastard!" Steiger grips his sword in anger, "I'll kill you for that!"

Steiger leaps forward and hits nothing but air. He may be fast, but that sword hardly makes him faster than me. He hasn't mastered that sword yet. He's already dead. I split the blades into four blades each and send them flying towards him. Surprise surprise, he blocks them all. Maybe he won't be such a pushover after all. I've been wanting to test the limits of Shinorensa and this is a great chance. Steiger then bounds into the air after me and I catch his blade between the chains. I twist the chains around the blade and take the sword away from him and slam it into the ground. Surprise lights up his face as the chains wrap around his body. He screams in agony as the spikes go deeper into his body. Why isn't his partner helping out? Maybe she wants him to die so that she can study the way I move. Smart. I finish off Steiger and throw him to the ground. He wasn't as tough of an opponent after all. I expected more from him.

"Well done." Maileen says taking Chirko off her back, "I watched all your movements. You won't defeat me so easily."

"I can surprise you." I smirk.

Maileen launches Chirko along the ground. The closer it got, the more spikes it got on the outside. I jump out of the way using the chains to wrap around Chirko. As soon as I got a good grip of it, I pick it up and launch back at Maileen with more force than she threw it. The bladed weapon then buries itself in her face. I land neatly on the ground and watch as the blood pools out along the ground. She wasn't expecting that. I listen to Maileen fall to the ground. I can use those weapons. I'll keep using Shinorensa, and I know that it chose me, but I can learn. I walk over to Masakado and grip the blade, pulling it out of the ground. It glows brightly and turns into a necklace with a sword in the center of it. I wrap it around my neck and walk over to Chirko. I take the chakram out of Maileen's face and take the strap off of her. I put the strap around me and strap Chirko on my back. I wonder what abilities these two weapons have.

"You won that pretty easy Crow." I look around to see if another soldier is around, "Why don't you join us."

"Show yourself!" I yell out, "Or I kill you!"

"You can't kill us silly," The voice calls out again, "especially your childhood friend."

It can't be. I haven't seen her since I joined the guard.

"Leone." I whisper, "Is that really you?"

"Yup!" Leone lands in front of me with another person right behind her, "You have some serious skill! Why don't you join Night Raid?"

"I can't." I avert my gaze, "I'm not strong enough."

"You just took down two of Esdeath's assassins single handidly." Leone smiles, "I think you're strong enough."

"I can't and won't." I say becoming angered, "I'm not good following orders."

"Well since you've seen our faces," Leone's friendly face turns serious, "then we have to kill you. Night Raid has been watching you and wanted you to join, but now we see you as a threat to our operations and have to kill you. I'm sorry about this Crow, I really am."

I can't show them the full abilities of Shinorensa. I'll have to go with one of the weapons I just acquired. I grip Masakado and it turns into the sword I picked up. It really is useful for hiding in plain sight. The person behind Leone steps out and stands beside her. I don't know who he is, but he seems really dangerous. I look over at Leone who's turned into some kind of beast. I've only heard about what Leone wields. It gives her speed, strength, and she can heal quicker than most.

"INCURSIO!" The boy screams out. I've heard about that weapon too just before I left. Speed, armor, and strength. That's also tough to beat, but I'll have to make do. I can't show them my full abilities, but I have to survive. I get into a ready stance. It's been a while since I've used a sword, but I know I can do this. If this sword is strengthened by truth and ideals, then it should make me stronger.

"If you want to kill me, then come at me!"

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