I Gave You Mercy

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It's been about a week since I left Tatsumi cringing on the ground. I had to put him in his place and I did just that. Mine and Leone have both held me by the throat because of that. I told them that I don't work well with others or a team. I barely got along with the death squad I was in. The only reason I did was because of my brother Riyo. He joined shortly after me, climbing quickly up the ranks.

I've been confined to my room for the entire week. Akame or Lissia left food at the door for me. I assume that it's Lissia. I had to give up the other two Imperial arms and am only left with Shinorensa. I feel at home with Shinorensa. The other weapons didn't work well with me. They seemed to fight me and I don't blame them. After the week is over, Najenda finally calls me back into the meeting room.

"I hope you learned your lesson." Najenda smiles faintly, "I now have a mission for you and you alone. The rest of us will watch you as you take on a legion. A death squad that you may know. Your job is to take out the patrolling troops that threaten to compromise our position."

"Yes ma'am." I stare coldly at the ground. My brother! I'm gonna have to kill my brother, "The deed will be done."

I didn't want to anger anyone else so I left without saying another word.

***Jaeger Conference***

"What do we know about Shinorensa and Crow?" Esdeath turns around, "What intelligence do we have on them?"

"Shinorensa has an unlimited range and the blades can be split into however many you want them to be." Stylish says, "The only limit is the user. As the weapon and user becomes more bonded, the arms will become armor that is impenetrable."

"Good work, but you left out one thing, the seals." Esdeath pipes in, "Four seals that can unleash devastation on the entire Empire. The first seal is a lethal poison that kills within seconds. The second makes the user invisible to the naked eye. The third is a whirlwind of chains and blades. And the fourth... no one has ever survived long enough for the fourth seal and that isn't even its trump card."

"A powerful weapon indeed." Kurome says taking another bite of her snack, "Crow is weak however. He doesn't like killing people and that makes him weak. Even when he was in the Death Squad, he didn't kill the Imperial Arms user years ago. Left him wounded. I'm sure he can be easily dispatched."

"Yes that may be so," Esdeath holds her arm tightly, "but when I fought him last, if he was in top form, he could've killed me."


I sprint through the forest keeping off of the beaten path. I don't want my brother to know who killed him. I don't really want to do it, but I need to show that I am apart of this revolution. I need to stop being a loner and actually do something. I need to change. The forest is quiet and I don't like it. I should be able to detect thousands of soldiers, but nothing. They are a Death Squad, trained to be silent and deadly.

That's when I spot the army moving swiftly through the forest ahead of me. I have to make this quickly and easily. Pain sears through my right arm and I hold in a gasp of pain. Shinorensa has done this before when it gained new abilities. A circle with a symbol for poison appears on my left arm. This battle may get interesting.

I split the chains into the most I've ever split them and send them flying at the soldiers. That's when I see my brother among the throng of soldiers. I stop the blades and call them back. I don't want to kill him. He's my family, but he works for the enemy. Wonder what that symbol means. As if on command, the symbol breaks and a gas pours out into the air and onto my chains. I can kill all but him and then finish him off. I send the blades back towards the army careful to miss Riyo. The blades barely cut his army, but the soon fall over in a matter of seconds. Now that's a lethal poison!

"About time you showed your face brother!" Riyo calls out, "Esdeath and I both miss you! Why don't you be a good big brother and rejoin us? I'm sure Esdeath's punishment won't be too harsh!"

I leap through the trees until I'm facing him, "That may be so brother, but Esdeath won't accept me again. I'm a traitor to her and everyone else in the Empire. I cannot go back."

"You seem different," Riyo's face is a stone, unmoving, unnerving, "emotionless perhaps. What has Night Raid done to you? You used to be outgoing and fun. Where's the brother I once loved and admired?"

"That side of me is long gone, I'm sorry." I face the ground, "After my best friend betrayed me, I felt nothing but hatred and that changed me."

"Not for the good." He reaches for a blade, "I've been orderedthat I have to cut you down. Kodachi and I will make quick work of you!"

In an instant, he becomes invisible and I lose sight of him. Must be an Imperial Arms. I clench my fists and draw my blades out. I know where he is. As the prick of a blade touches the back of my neck, I sink one of the blades into his chest and he becomes visible again.

"I don't want to kill you." I fight back tears, "You're still my brother and I won't kill you! I can't kill you!"

"Just do it!" He cries out in pain, "Show the Empire that Night Raid is evil! Show me how evil they are!"

He throws Kodachi at me and sticks into my shoulder, but I feel no pain.

"How?" He stands up, "That should have cut you in half."

"Shinorensa's armor protected me." I pull the blade out and throw it at his feet, "I'm giving you mercy and you better take that option."

I turn around and begin heading back towards the thicket. I hear his battle cry behind me. I swiftly sidestep and dig my blades into his side. I don't want to kill him. I make sure that the blades don't pierce anything vital and slam him into the ground.

"I give you mercy!" I yell in his face, "You're still my little brother!"

"You're no brother of mine!" He coughs up blood, "Fine leave me here to die alone."

I do just that and keep walking. I sense Kodachi tearing through the air behind me and I jump out of the way.

"Damn it! I gave you mercy!" I scream out as the blades tear through his body.

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