Welcome to Night Raid Prt 2

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Well Lissia was right about the arrow not hurting. All it did was evaporate over me and I felt somewhat better. All the aches and pain that wracked my body disappeared and I could move without hurting at all. I'm glad Lissia came here. If she wasn't here, she wouldn't of gotten the bow and I wouldn't have been healed. I'd still be laying in the bed not being able to do a thing. Now I can get back to training with Shinorensa.

I open the room door and take a deep breath. I haven't been able to do that all day and night. It took a while for the arrow to take full effect and I was in bed all night feeling all my wounds close and my bones coming back together. It wasn't painful just a weird feeling. Now, my body has fully healed and I can do anything, but leave this place without permission. I forgot about that.

"It's great to see you on your feet again." Leone appears and puts me in a headlock, "Now I can do this!"

"I just got better!" I laugh, "I don't need a head injury now!"

"Just playin' around with ya!" She playfully punches my arm, "Now come downstairs, Najenda called a meeting. You're lucky you're up today."

"What happened to Tatsumi?" I ask following Leone down the hallway, "Is he alright?"

"He healed the next day." She turns and smiles, "He's back to his training routine. Don't expect him to be all friendly to you. Give him some time and he'll come around to you. Nobody is friendly to someone who almost killed them."

"Great just making more friends aren't I?" I sigh, "Just what I need."

"Don't worry about it too much!" Leone says, "Knowing Najenda, she'll make you two train all day together."

"I want to train with Lissia." I bump into Leone as she stops right in front of me.

"What's so special about Lissia?" She turns to me, "What makes her so special? It's not like you've known her all your life!"

"Feels like it though," I say not meeting her eyes, "even when she knew I was being hunted down for treason, she helped me out. I can't thank her enough. Plus she's the only person that ever trusted me in the Empire since I became a fugitive. She knew I wasn't a bad person at heart. She knew the reason I was killing the Empire's soldiers: to stay alive. We became very close. I trust her with my life and she trusts me with hers. When you found me the other night, I wasn't protecting myself, I was protecting her. If she died, I would lose my will to fight."

"What about US?" She gets inches from my face, "We used to be that close. We stole from the Empire and gave what we stole to the people in the slums because they couldn't afford to do anything. We trusted each other with our lives. If one of us got caught, the other would go back for them. We were inseparable. It destroyed my heart when I found out you went and joined the Empire's guard. That's one reason I joined Night Raid. The main reason is because I want to help the people I grew up with. What makes her so different from me?"

"She helped me when I needed it and I guess she took my heart." I explain, "If I never joined the guards, we'd be the same way. Aren't we going to be late to the meeting?"

"I'm sure that Najenda can wait a few minutes, but it'd be best if we didn't keep everyone waiting."


"About damn time you two showed up!" I recognize Mine's voice, "What kept you?"

"Catching up." I look over at Lissia who looks down at the floor, "But not like that!" I add.

Lissia looks up and smiles at me.

"Now on to business." I stand next to Lissia while Najenda starts speaking, "Lubbock you and Akame are going on a mission to kill a personal guard to the Minister. He isn't anything special so he should be easy to kill. I want a full report when you return. Be careful out there. The rest of you... will either patrol, train, or do chores around the base. Tatsumi, you, Crow, and Lissia will train together. Get these two in shape. Leone, I want you to go out on patrol. And finally Mine you will oversee the training. Akame once you and Lubbock get back, you'll do the chores and get dinner started. Alright everyone, you have your orders. Now get to it!"

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