Time Has Come

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"What's next?" I ask gasping for breath. My body doesn't feel the best right now, and I don't know why.

"The capital." Mine walks up, "Esdeath is falling back with what's left of her pride. Xero is with her."

"Xero?" I raise an eyebrow, "Dark hair? Built?"

"Yeah what about him?" Mine asks sighing.

"He's the Lord of Dread." I explain, "Or so I've heard. He trained my Death Squad before mysteriously disappearing without a trace. He isn't one to be trifled with. He knows more ways to torture and kill someone than Esdeath does. I'll deal with him and then Esdeath. I have a promise to her that I plan on keeping."

"What promise?" Leone asks.

"That if I become stronger than her, then I have to kill her." I say, "It's isn't for glory, but she needs to die for everything that she's done to this country. I don't look up to her anymore. I have to prove that I'm stronger than her and kill her myself!"


I watch as the Revolutionary Army pushes through the Empire's relentless barrage of attacks. I know that Esdeath and Xero are hidden somewhere in the city. I've been scouring the city with my blades, but there's so much activity down there that it's tough to find them. The Empire is beginning to crumble, but their is so much death that it hurts. Every corner I turn, I end up finding a dead body either Imperial or Revolutionary.

The heat is suffering. With all the blood in the air, it has gotten warmer. The thick scent of the blood can choke you. All I hope for is that everyone is safe down there; that Leone is safe. They rest of Night Raid has gone after Prime Minister Honest and the King. I know that they are just an old fat lazy bitch and a child, but you can't take anyone lightly.

I stop suddenly when I find Xero just standing out in the middle of the battle. That's smart hiding within your enemy. I'll just have to drag him away so that no allies will get killed. I dart for his ankle, but hit nothing but a stone. Shit! It's a fake! Before I could react, I get slammed with a stone pillar knocking me out of the tree and onto my back. I get to my hands and knees grabbing my side. He knew where I was the entire time! 

"Well well Crow." He walks up to me, "Long time no see."

"Shut up!" I glare up at him, "I'm not here to talk, I'm here to kill you and then kill Esdeath!"

"Oh my." He chuckles, "How fortunate for you that I hate TRAITORS!"

This time, my back is hit with a stone pillar and my whole body is pressed against the ground. I try to breathe, and collapse onto the ground. Xero starts walking away thinking that I'm dead. I'm not dead yet! I bolt from my position and stab him in the neck with full force. The blades barely go into him! He's using the ground as armor! Damn it! Blood trickles onto the blades, but just barely. I send him flying with a kick to the back and land neatly on the ground. He gets up as if nothing happened.

"You might be fun." He looks at me with a crazed look, "Let's keep going!"

He stands where he is at and pulls out Earkn. He is only just able to control the ground without Earkn, but with it, he has full control of his abilities. The double sided scythe glimmers in the patchy sunlight. I feel vibrations underneath and get thrown into the air before getting hit in the sides again. I slam into trees and ground as his attacks get faster and stronger. He finally lets up to see if I'm alive, and then keep hammering me with another onslaught. My body bruised and broken, I slowly keep getting up off the ground. 

"Why won't you just die!" He smiles brightly, "I mean I'm having fun, but this must be punishment for you!"

"Why don't you stop being a pussy and come at me like a man?" I say with a scratchy voice, "Too scared?"

This is my only chance to defeat him. I have to get myself to bleed, but I can't hurt myself. Shinorensa forbids me to do it.

"I'll show you!"

He disappears from his spot and I get ready for his attack. He's using the trees, but also the earth to move faster. I spot him as he is coming down. I block his attack and slice at his legs. If I can make him bleed enough, he might just die! I dodge his increasingly faster attacks while only getting minor scratches. He finishes his barrage by sending me flying into the air. He appears above me with Earkn ready to come down on me. I block using my left chain as he slams me into the ground. I struggle as my strength begins to dwindle. In an instant, my chain breaks. Pain sears through my left arm, but I have to do something, or I'm dead! I catch Earkn between my hands and squeeze as hard as I can. Blood drips onto my face. 

"Thank you." I tell him smiling, "You just created your own downfall."

I spin on the ground and throw him away from me.

"Blood of the Assassin." I say quietly.

My blood begins to swirl around me, "You know this was fun, but I have better things to do."

I form the blood into spikes and send them flying at him. He spins Earkn in front of him trying to block the blood spikes, but the spikes just tear through the blades and into his body. Finally, one hits him in the center of the head, but it's having trouble going through. I slowly walk up to him as he falls onto his back. 

"I'll kill you!" He chokes out, "And everyone else you know!"

I urge the spike forward as it pushes through his head. I finally feel it go all the way through.

"What did you do to me?" He screams out.

"Paralyzed you." I look down at him, "I told Leone that I'd do that because she wants to toy with ya. Don't ya Leone?"

"You have no idea!" She jumps down from a tree.

"Do what you want with him." I tell her, "Give it five minutes and leave. The destruction will reach even here."


I spot Esdeath finally. Perched in the center of the city just watching the destruction unfold. I grab onto a tall building and launch myself at Esdeath. I grab her as I fly by her and throw her to the ground. She skips over the ground before holding herself upright.

"I have a promise to keep Esdeath," I struggle to stand up. The fight with Xero did a number on me, "and I plan to keep that!"

All she does is smile and unsheathes her sword. I forgot that she even uses a sword along with her ice powers. Ice or not, I will kill her!

We connect. The force of the impact sends dust flying around us. My one chain is barely even holding her. An ice spike drives itself into my back. I cry out in pain, but hold onto Esdeath's attack. I can't show weakness. I can't lose! I must win! I throw her away from me and breathe heavily. The ice spike keeps on drilling. I grab the ice and throw it onto the ground. Blood sprays the ground painting it scarlet. 

"You won't be keeping your promise now will you?" She taunts me.

"True Blood!" I scream out and my blood forms around my hand making a ball, "I will end you!"

I slowly walk forward towards her. She sends ice spikes at me one at a time. One hits my leg, I keep going. Another plants itself in my chest, I keep walking. More and more sink themselves into me as I punch her. The explosion sends us both flying. I get planted into what used to be a house. All I see is red from the explosion. I have only used that attack once when I was surrounded once. I was supposed to hit the ground, not the person otherwise the explosion will hurt the user as well. 

The air clears and nothing is left of the center of the city. Just a giant crater with both of us in it. I dig myself out of the side of where the house was and walk up to Esdeath. She's still alive!

"You did it Crow," She squeaks, "you finally did it."

I raise my right arm, but not far. The attack did something to it and I can't use Shinorensa at will. I dig the blade out with my left arm and kneel down to Esdeath.

"If only you chose a different path." She says, "We could've ruled together."

"No," I tell her, "I would never rule with you."

I use my left arm and lead the blade through her neck. Blood pours onto my hands. I stand up weakly and look up at the sky before falling onto my back. I'm ready to welcome death now...

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