2| ''Trust me Bambi you ain't my type''

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A/N: Picture of Elessar Prep in the media.

'So?' I tapped my foot, 'Where is he? Where can I find him and make sure he knows what kind of filth,' I growled, staring down the man in front of me with the infuriating grey eyes, 'lives in his house'.

I watched his face redden but before he could come to a satisfying outburst his brother put a hand on his chest and smiled at me, making me melt with his dimples, 'I'm sorry if he's been rude, Keira. We're just,' they shared a look, 'a bit on edge'.

'Why?' I lifted a brow before the muffled sound of heels on carpet made us all turn.

Brandi was coming towards us, a frown etched upon her supermodel face, 'Keira!'

'Miss. Marlow,' I lifted both brows at how distraught she was.

'Why are you here?' despite her shock her bun was still perfectly in place.

'Uhm,' I looked at the two guys in front of me before back at her, 'I just came to find my room?'

Brandi sucked in a deep breath before expelling it through her mouth, 'Your room isn't here. It's on the other side of the house,' she stepped aside, pointing back down the corridor I had come from, 'Come on, I'll take you there'.


'No buts,' she insisted, pulling me with her by the elbow.

'Brandi,' came a voice from behind us and we both stopped to stare at the two gorgeous guys standing in the corridor. It had been the infuriating grey-eyed one that had spoken, 'Try not to get too close to that one,' he sent me a teasing smirk, 'she bites'.

'I do not-' I started before Brandi started hauling me away.


My room door turned out to be painted white with an expensive looking plaque that said: Keira.

The room itself was gorgeous of course. It was probably four times the size of my old room and had a queen sized bed, a walk in closet, a vanity table, cupboards that had been decorated with vases spilling over with real flowers - I checked.

The adjourning bathroom was just as amazing and I had sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring at my new waterfall shower for what seemed like hours before I started thinking about Rosie.

Brandi had told me my guardian had been rather tired and had gotten ready for her trip back already. She apologised for not sticking around longer but promised she would call me very soon.

It seemed unlikely that Rosie would ever agree to anything like that without telling me face-to-face.

When I had asked Brandi about the guys on the other side of the house she had said they weren't to be talked about. That my uncle wasn't to know that I had met them.

Whatever that means.

When the subject turned to uncle Edmund she was much more open 'Ah yes,' she smiled, 'Mr. Van der Laine just had a surprise meeting somewhere overseas. He'll be back in a week,' catching my confused and disappointed face she added, 'He apologises profoundly for not being around on your first day here but...' she pulled up her dainty shoulders, 'I'm sure you understand'.

I didn't know what it was with these snobs that they kept on thinking that by saying 'I'm sure you understand' I would be more lenient towards them and say 'Of course'.

But Brandi had been nicer to me than the grumpy guard Bruce so I screwed my mouth shut and smiled instead.

As I crawled into my new queen sized bed that night, I felt more unsafe and alone than I had ever felt before.

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