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Dean's pov

I couldn't believe I was breaking into Sammy's house to ask him for help. No what I couldn't believe was that Addey and Dad took off and haven't called in weeks. Dad, yeah he did that but not Addey.

I groaned angrily breaking a window. I climbed through the window careful of the glass. I looked around at the place. I heard Sam tromp down the stairs. Pressing myself against the wall I hid in the darkness.

I grabbed Sammy's arm flipping him to the ground.

"Your rusty Sammy." I laughed.

Sam flipped me over.

"Or not."

"Sam what's going on." A blonde women asked turning the light on.

"Jess this is my brother." Sam said walking over to her.

I had to admit this girl was hot with her long blonde hair and curves but Addey was definetly hotter.

"Oh." She said surprised.

"Sam I need to talk to you in private." I stated hoping he'd get the hint.

"Whatever you have to say you can say to both of us." Sam told me.

"Dad went hunting and hasn't come back." I sighed.

"He'll roll around sooner or later he always does." Sam retorted.

"Dad took Adeline with him and she hasn't called or anything since they left. Three weeks ago." I groaned.

"Jess will you excuse us please." Sam asked Jess kissing her.

As soon as Jess left Sam said," Addey hasn't called or seen me in a couple weeks either."

"If she hasn't called either of us and I can't get a hold of her then something's wrong." I stated." Dad had taken her out on a case. I was out in New Orleans doing a case."

After a bit of persuasion on his part he was coming with me to find them. I knew if it was just dad missing then it would have taken a lot longer to convince him to help.

"I have to be back by Monday Dean." Sam told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"I have an interview. Adeline set it up for me." Sam said staring out the window.

Adeline's pov

I shot up in bed crying. John quickly ran to my side engulfing me on his arms as I cried. I shook as sobs racked my body.

"Let's get you cleaned up." John whispered as I tried to quiet my sobs.

I nodded following him to the bathroom. My white shirt was covered in blood. Blood was dripping down my arms and legs. I took my shirt off before sitting down on the toilet. John grabbed the floss, needle and alcohol. He put a rag under water before letting me wipe the blood off my skin. He poured alcohol on my wounds and then on the needle.

"Were going to kill that son of a bitch." John told me getting to work.

John stopped when he saw the spotted bruises on my wrist, legs and hips.

"Oh Addey." He whispered

John looked like he was about to cry.

"I'm fine John. It doesn't even hurt." I assured him.

After John was down I looked on the mirror at my scared body. I had jagged scars of all sizes on every inch of my skin. They had faded to a color paler than my skin.

I ran a shaky hand through my long auburn hair. I threw on a pair of clean clothes before leaving the bathroom.

"Jojo will you braid my hair please?" I asked.

John nodded sitting down on the bed. He patted the spot next to him. I sat down unmoving as he parted my hair. I sighed happily as he started braiding me hair. After finishing my braid he twirled it around into a bun. I gave him my hair band as he tied it off.

"Did you have a dream about someone or was he there?" John asked.

"Both. It was Sam's girlfriend Jojo. He was there. Telling her why she had to die. I ran in trying to save her. Give my life for hers but he didn't listen. He slit her stomach as she moved to the top of the wall. In anger I threw myself at him with my knife in hand. He grabbed my wrist jumping out the window with me. As he hid in the darkness I saw Sam's shadow in the room. He told me he had plans for Sam who was his favorite. And me he had very special plans for me. I was his. The scars and bruises marked me as so and the only other person who could have me was Lucifer. That's when I woke up." I cried.

"It's going to be okay. We're going to kill him and every other demon we find on our way to kill him." John told me.

I nodded wiping my tears away.

"Come on let's go kill some demons." He said handing me a gun.

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