Ice Cream and Cuddling

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"Hey Bobby." Sam greeted over the phone.

"Hey Sam." Bobby sighed. There was shuffling noises as Bobby did something.

"How much had she cooked?" Sam asked.

"Enough for us to invite all the hunters in the united States for a dinner." Bobby told him." She finally fell asleep."

"Well that's good I guess." Sam sighed." I don't know what to do with them anymore. Maybe we should just keep the two of them apart. I keep Dean busy and you keep Ade busy."

"Yeah but what happens when you guys come over or Dean calls and she answers. Or for that point Dean could get mad were keeping them apart and bust in." Bobby asked.

"I don't know." Sam answered.

"I have a friend she's close to that I can send her to go hangout with. Help him out."

Through the phone Sam heard a timer go off. Bobby cursed as Ade woke up.

"Bobby why'd you let me sleep?" Ade asked yawning.

"You talk to Sam. I'll go get your muffins out of the oven." Bobby said handing her the phone.

"Thank you Bobby." Ade smiled." Hey Sammy."

"Hey Addey." Sam greeted." How are you holding up?"

"Fine I guess." Ade answered yawning again.

"When I get back we can go to our secret place build a fort, watching, watch movies, eat ice cream, and cuddle but right now I need you to get some sleep." Sam told her.

"I think I can do that." She laughed quietly.

"Good now you get some sleep."

Sam smiled hanging up.

Bobby's pov

I sighed looking at the Ade who was sleeping again. I moved since of her hair out of her face kissing her head.

"Poor girl." I whispered sad.

I was going to seriously beat that idjit. God help if I wasn't going to kill him myself instead of Dean being dragged to hell.

"Hey Ruphus. Can I ask a favor of ya?" I asked once he answered.

"I'd be happy to take Addey off your hands for a while." Ruphus laughed.


I looked back at Adeline pulling another blanket over her so she was warm.

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