Save Me

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John and Addey parked next to Sam's house.

"John stay here. If you see anything weird go to the left side of the house." Addey said before John could protest.

Addey knocked on the door pulling her jacket closer.

"Ade what are you doing here?" Jess asked pulling me into a hug.

"I'm going to be honest with you Jess and I always have been. I had a vision." Addey said softly.

"Oh. Hurry come in." She said pulling me into the house.

"I had a vision about him killing you Jess. I-I-I tried to stop him but I couldn't. You died just like Mary did." Addey sobbed into her shoulder." He said he needed Sam to start hunting again. He had plans for Sam."

"Hey it's going to be okay." She soothed petting her hair.

Addey rested her head on Jess's chest.

"Don't lie to her." A voice laughed.

Addey stood up pushing Jess behind her.

"My love you can't hide her. She is going to die." He laughed.

His laugh was sinister.

"I won't let you kill her. I won't let you hurt her or Sam." Addey said.

"How do you suppose you'll stop me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I want to make a deal. You take me and leave both Jess and Sam alone. I'm much more powerful than Sam and I'm much more useful." Addey negotiated.

"Ade you can't do that." Jess tried to reason.

"I can and I will. Now what is it going to be?" Addey asked.

"You'll do anything I say if you come with me?" He asked the lights flickering slightly.

"I won't kill Sam, Dean, or Jess." Addey stated.

"I like the sound of that offer." He smiled cynically.

"Then take it." Addey said.

Jess gripped Addey's arm tightly.

"I need Sam dear. You'll not be his vessel." He said before Addey was thrown against the wall.

He quickly slit Jess's stomach as she flew to the wall.

"No." Addey screamed.

He flew back into the wall behind him. He cackled as he was held to the wall by an invisible force.

"Dear your just like I am. You will be mine and so will he."

He disappeared. Addey cried out. She hadn't been able to save Jess. She heard the familiar sound of the impala and jumped out the window. John pulled her into his arms. He quickly walked her to the truck.

Sam's pov

I'd just walked into my house. The shower was going. I walked up the stairs to my room when my phone started ringing. I opened it to see Addey was calling me. I quickly answered it.

"Addey where the hell are you?" I asked

"Sam that doesn't matter right now i-i need you to get out of the house right." She said her voice wavering.

I could hear something mumbled about Dean in the background.

"Why? What's going on? Why do you sound like you've been crying?" I asked looking at the ground to find a rope bracelet if given Addey the last time she was here.

"Sam just get out of that damn house." She said trying to stay calm.

"What the hell I."

"She's dead Sam. I watched him kill her and there was nothing I could do to save her." She yelled.

"Son of a bitch." I heard my dad curse.

That's when the phone beeped telling me the call had ended.

Everything happened in slow motion. I opened the door looking up at a Jess dead on the ceiling. Then Dean was pulling me out of the house as it burned. Dean was talking but I want listening. I couldn't hear anything but ringing.

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