Sin part 1

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"Come on guys we got to go." Dean said walking into the room.

"Shh she's sleeping." Sam hushed. Sam delicately picked her up letting her wrap her arms around his neck." I don't think she's slept much in a while."

Dean smiled kissing her forehead.

At case

"Hey sleepy head. Do you want to stay in the car and sleep? Sam and I can do this." Dean told her.

"No I'm good. Just let me change. These aren't exactly case going clothes." Addey said getting up.

Dean handed Addey her blouse and black slacks. Peeling her black tank top she pulled on the blouse. Dean walked over buttoning it up.

"I don't think I've ever dressed a women before. Usually I'm undressing them." Dean smiled cheekily.

"Are you trying to flirt with me?" Addey asked laughing.

"Maybe." Dean answered letting his hands trail down her sides.

"It's not working." She told him pulling away.

Adeline shook her head discarding her shorts and leggings before putting her black slacks on. Dean hit her ass lightly as she walked out of the motel. Adeline gasped hitting his shoulder.

"Hey sleeping beauty." Sam smiled wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"Let's get going." She laughed.

Every couple of minutes Dean would look in the rear veiw mirror at Adeline.

"Officer." Adeline greeted.

"Why hello." He smiled.

"Agent Monroe. This is Agent Hunter and Tucker." Dean introduced holding out the badges.

"What can I do for you guys?" He asked standing up straight.

"What happened here?" Sam asked.

"A woman banged the girls head in to get the shoes she'd just bought." He explained.

"Can we look at the store footage?" Adeline asked.

"Of course ma'am." He answered showing them inside.

In the back room

"Nothing looked weird." Sam and Dean said.

"That guy." Adeline pointed out." He's the only one who looks or talks to her before she goes crazy."

"What is he?" San asked.

"I don't know."Addey answered.

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