Coming home

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"Ade you all right." John asked.

He was holding a pan full of by the smell burnt eggs. A hand towel was draped over his shoulder.

"How do you even burn eggs Jojo?" Addey asked.

"I-I you know what Im just not going to make you food anymore. So what's going on." John asked.

"The boys are coming here. I had a vision and the house in my vision looked just like your old house Jojo." Addey explained.

"Are you sure?" John asked.

Addey nodded. She walked to John wrapping her arms around him. John stood still for a second taking everything in before he hugged her back.

"I'm going to make some food. Something that's actually edible and if you're lucky I might make some pie or something." Addey told him.

John laughed letting her take the pan of burnt eggs from him. Addey walked into the kitchen pulling out all the ingredients she needed to make lunch and pie.

"That sounds wonderful dear." Missouri called from the living room.

Addey started piling meats onto three pieces of bread as knifes cut cheese and vegetables. Then she put the vegetables and cheese on them making sure not to put to many vegetables on John's.

"Sandwiches are done." Addey called as she put the last piece of bread on them.

"Thank you dear." Missouri said walking into the kitchen.

"Your an angel." John praised through a mouth full of sandwich.

Addey laughed shaking her head.

Days later

Addey sat up in bed unable to sleep. She knew the boys would be here soon and she desperately wanted to see them but knew she couldn't.

"It's going to be okay Ade." John said rubbing her back.

"I know." Addey sighed her head in her hands.

"Why don't we go see a movie or something. Get out of the house." John suggested.

"I'm fine John." Addey assured him.

John sighed.

"Why don't you braid my hair why I draw." Addey suggested.

John nodded.

"Don't worry your wifes crazy about you." Missouri lied patting the guys back." Poor guy his wife's cold banging the gardener."

"Why didn't you tell him then." Sam asked.

"He didn't come here for the truth he wanted good news." Missouri answered." Look at you boys so handsome and you used to be one goofy looking kid."

Dean glared at her but his expression quickly changed.

"Yes Dean that is pie you smell. Now come on you guys came to talk to me about something." She said ushering them into the living room.

Neither of the boys could shake this feeling. That pie smelt really familiar.

"Sam I'm sorry about your girlfriend." She apologized.

Sam's eyes widened any doubt he had erased.

"Do you know where are dad is?" Dean asked.

"I'm a physic you don't see me sawing some girl in half. I can pick up on energy and read people's thoughts but I can't pull something out of thin air." Missouri said.

"Dad's journal said he took you to the house." Sam pointed out politely.

"Yes he did. You could say I opened the curtains of what's really out there." She said.

"Do you know what killed our mom?" They asked.

"No but whatever it was it was evil." Missouri shuddered." There's something in that house again isn't there?"

"Yes there is." Dean answered.

Minutes later Missouri was leaving with the boys. Sam looked back at the house as something passed through one of the windows. A flash of looking auburn hair passed through the window for half a second but he didn't miss it.

"Come on Sam." Dean called.

I looked back to the house before getting in.

Happy Halloween everyone

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