My Hideout

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Addey stabbed the knife into the demons head. She got up from her kneeling position taking the knife with her. She dusted her hands off on her pants.

"Good job Addey. Let's get back on the road." John nodded wiping his knife on his pants.

Addey followed John back to the truck.

"I need coffee." Addey told John giving him a sad look.

"Okay." John sighed not even bothering to argue.

He knew she'd need it. She hated sleeping so she drank coffee non stop. She got the same thing. She loved coffee and not just because it helped her stay awake.

"Thank you Jojo." She smiled looking out her window.

His yellow eyes flashed in her mind. Addey gripped John's wrist as a vision ripped through her.

Another vision of Jess on the ceiling bleeding came to her. The room burst into flames enveloping Jess.

Addey's skin burned. John quickly pulled over getting out of the truck and pulling Addey out. Addey started into a fit of coughing. John held her tight as the vision subsided. Addey went limp in his arms as she passed out. Upon inspection John found that Addey had been coughing up blood into her now burned hands.

Sam's pov

I thought of Jess as the ghost attacked me. I gasped as Addey came into my mind. I saw her coughing up blood into her burnt hands. She was crying. My dad was there and he was holding her.

I let out a scream as the ghost Constance drove her hand into my chest.

"Duck." Dean yelled.

I quickly did as i was told and he shot the ghost. I quickly sat up.

"I'm taking you home." I growled.

I drove the impala into the house. Dean ran in after.

"You hurt my baby I'm going to kill you." Dean said.

I laughed getting out of the impala. Dean just glared at me as he checked his baby.

We both looked over to see Constance looking at a picture. A desk flew into us; keeping us pinned against the impala.

"You've come home." Two children said in unison.

They flew at Constance and pulled her into the ground. As soon as she disappeared the desk stopped pressing against us.

"Looks like you were right she did have another weakness." Dean muttered frowning.

"We just got rid of her you should be happy." I said punching his arm lightly.

"I am it's just. The last hunt I went on with Addey we killed a ghost." He confessed.

"Were going to find her Dean. She'll turn up. She always does." I assured him.

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