Chimney Sweep

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"Sam I don't want to get up." Addey whined.

"Come on. I'm tired of traveling with just Dean." Sam whined back.

"I feel the love Sammy." Dean called.

The two of them laughed.

"Come on we can kick ass together and I'll even let you cuddle with me." Sam said pulling her into his arms.

"You didn't have a choice anyway." Addey mumbled.

"Ha that means your coming." Sam yelled happily.

"Yeah. Yeah."

Addey stuck her tongue tongue out at Sam's retreating form.

Time skip

"So what's the plan?" Sam asked as she looked at the house.

"You guys go up and make small talk. Later you'll break into the house and when you guys get trapped I'll come save you." Addey said.

"How do you know we'll get trapped?" Dean asked slightly offended.

"That's just how you guys operate." Adeline smiled sweetly.

Dean grumbled as he got out of the car. Laughing Sam knocked on the door revealing an elderly couple.

Adeline wobbled a little in the back seat as a wave rolled over her. She felt this tug and she knew exactly what it was. They were calling her more intently then before.

"Hey you okay?" Sam asked getting back into the car.

Addey nodded clutching the seat. Sam got back out pulling her out of the car.

"Come on were going for a walk." Sam said." Dean stay here we'll be back in ten minutes."

Dean nodded questioningly as they walked away. Sam picked Addey put setting her on a park bench.

"Hey look at me." He insisted cupping her face.

Addey stared at him gripping his wrists tightly.

"What's wrong?"

"My head is pounding, I feel nauseous, and I'm dizzy. There calling me Sam. All of them." Addey told him.

"Who is?" Sam inquired confused.

Adeline clenched her eyes shut wincing.

"Shh." Sammy coed resting his forehead against hers." Breathe."

Adeline nodded following Sam's instructions.

"I'm good now." Addey told him.

Adeline's pov

I hunched over clutching my stomach.  I couldn't breathe. I seriously had to get it together Dean and Sam needed me.

"Pull it together." I told myself.

Taking a deep breathe I flashed into the house while the two gods were taking to a neighbor.

"I see you need saving." I whispered cutting Sam loose.

Dean pulled me against him into the other room. He held a finger to his lips as he closed the door dropping a book case in front of it.

"Help me knock the tree over Dean." Sam said walking into the room.

As the first god burst through the door I wrapped my hand around her neck, lifting her off the ground.

"Stop." She screamed as as her veins turned yellow before she crumbled into ash.

"Mary." Her husband yelled tackling me.

I punched him in the face before he wrapped his hands around my throat. I put my hand over his mouth; his veins turning yellow before Dean stabbed him with the tree branch.

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