Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV:
I walked out the doors of hell. High school. I was really glad school was finally over. I hated all the homework, essays, and exams we had to do.

I put my pennyboard on the the ground and road away. I got out my phone and texted Mario if he wanted to hang out.

L: Heyy
M: Hey
L: Wanna hang out?
M: Sure, meet me at the park
L: K see ya
End of convo

I turned a sharp corner and nearly hit a biker.

"WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING KID." He yelled after me.

"Oops." I said. I'm very clumsy so I'm surprised I didn't fall.

I road down the street with the wind blowing in my face. I saw the park and road onto the sidewalk. I saw Mario sitting on the swings on his phone so I thought this is my chance to scare him.

I picked up my pennyboard and quietly tip toed behind Mario. I got really close to him and yelled, "BOO!" And put my hands on his shoulders.

"Jesus, don't do that!" He yelled at me. I was just standing there laughing.

I put my pennyboard onto the ground and sat on the swing.

"So..who were you texting?" I asked wondering if it's his crush Madison.

"Nobody.." He said quietly and shut off his phone.

I knew his passcode so there was no point. It was 3489. I grabbed his phone from his hands and dialed it in. It opened IMessages automatically popped up. He was texting Madison and was flirting hard core.

"Awwww Marios gotta crusssssh." I teased him.

"Shut up." He said annoyed and he grabbed his phone.

I laughed. "You guys look cute together." I said smiling.

He had the biggest smile on his face. "Yeah." Was all he said that looked back at his phone and kept texting her.

I wasn't too supportive with him liking her. I've heard rumors saying she was a cheater and the relationships don't last more than 2 weeks but there probably not true. She seems nice and I don't know her so I can't prejudge.

The rest of the time at the park me and Mario were just talking about cute couples and the most random stuff. I missed days like these.

"I got to go, my mom wants me home for dinner. Hang out tomorrow?" I asked with hope.

"Actually there's a party at Madison's house tomorrow. She said I could invite you if you wanted to come so you up for it?"

"Sure. Just send me the info later."

"Ok bye." He said and waved.

"Bye." I said and waved. I picked up my pennyboard and road away.

I hope this party goes right. Usually the parties I go to have fights and drama. Well, maybe it's different this time.
Ayyye, hope you enjoyed this

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