Chapter 5

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I was looking through my old apps and I found Tinder. I decided to go on it. I haven't been on it for months.

I swiped a lot and didn't find any cute guys. Until I found one. His name was Mark and he was 14. I accepted him (I don't have tinder so don't know how it works lol) and it was a match! I needed to get to know this guy.

Mark lived in Florida too. Perfect! We texted for awhile and soon we exchanged numbers. We texted then facetimed for a little bit. At least he wasn't a catfish.

The next day me and Mario hung out at his place and watched Netflix all day. I loved just chill days it was so calm. We basically ate all the sour patch kids in the house though.

When our fourth movie was over I decided to tell Mario about Mark.

"This guy is really cute and nice and I just wanna meet him so bad!" I exclaimed.

"You don't even know him he could be a fake." Mario exclaimed.

"We facetimed. He's real and sweet." I said.

"Well good luck with him."

Oh, I'm gonna have lots of luck.

The past weeks I have been getting closer and closer with Mark and I have been wanting to ask to hang out. I just didn't know when to ask. I decided to ask him today.

Text: Mark 😂🔥
L: heyyy
M: hey what's up
L: do you want to hang out?
M: yeah where
L: the park?
M: sure, meet you there at 3
L: k see ya then

End of convo

It was 3 and I was at the park waiting for Mark. I looked up from my phone and saw him walking over to where I was. I got excited and waved and smiled.

"Hey." He said cheerfully as he sat down next to me.

"Hey." I replied back.

"Wanna skate around?" He asked as he saw my pennyboard.

"Sure, let's go." I said and we headed out to wherever the wind takes us.

We just skated around everywhere looking at the sunset and scanning the beautiful nature.

I saw Taco Bell and I wanted to head there to get something to eat because we skated for a couple hours.

"Mark, hold up! Wanna go get some Taco Bell?" I yelled.

"Why not." He replied and we skated there.

We got inside and I saw Mario. I yelled out his name.

"AYE MARIO!" I yelled. Mark looked confused.

"From the game?" He asked. I laughed.

"No, I gotta best friend named Mario." I explained. He nodded.

"HEY WHATS UP!" He yelled and walked over to where we were.

"Nothing much. Mario meet Mark. Mark, Mario." I said. They waved.

Mario's POV: (oooooooh)

When me, Lexi, and Mark all sat at one table it was kinda awkward but turned out to be fun. Mark was a cool, fun guy. We exchanged numbers and agreed to hang out sometime.

The way Lexi looked and talked to Mark I knew she liked him. I know her too well enough to not know. I totally ship #Mexi or #Lark

After Mark said he had to go we both waved as he walked out and skated away. The minute he was gone I looked at Lexi.

"Someone's gotta crusssssh." I said in a teasing way.

"Shut up." She said and lightly punched my arm.

"Haha, knew it." I said and she glared.

"You guys should totally date!" I said.

"I need to get to know him better. I will just hang out with him more and see what happens. Today was great." She said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah. Good luck."

I'm making another chapter. So stay tuned.
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