Chapter 3

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Lexi's POV:
Two weeks has gone by and I have becoming more and more sad. Close to depression. Everyday Madison beats me up without anyone knowing. She has called me names like ugly, slut, bitch, whore, and more. Those words get to me and eats me alive.

Mario and me have been drifting away slowly because of her and we don't hang out as much anymore. I really miss when it was just us two against the world. Now it's just me.

I decided to go to the park and sit on the tree where me and Mario first met.

I was playing with my dolls. When the two dolls were "fighting" one of the heads fell off and rolled away. I looked everywhere to find it but it was nowhere. I looked up and saw a boy with my doll head.

"Is this yours?" The little boy asked.

"Yes, thank you." I said and took the head.

"Hey, wanna be best friends?" He asked.

"Sure!" I agreed with joy. I learned his name was Mario and he goes to my school. We were both in prek but have different teachers.

End of flashback

I sighed. Now we're both 15 in high school drifting away from each other because of some girl.

I sat against the tree thinking of all the good times we had when something caught my eye. I heard Madison and Mario laughing. They were walking on the sidewalk hand in hand. I tried to make myself hidden but failed.

"Oh, hey Lexi!" Mario yelled out. I looked up, smiled weakly, and waved.

He noticed I wasn't acting normal. He started walking over and Madison followed behind.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked. I nodded. I began to play with my fingers.

"No your not, you play with your fingers when your nervous, tell me what's up." He said sternly. I sighed and invited him to talk alone. Madison gave me the death glare.

"I have been feeling down because of Madison. For 2 weeks straight she has been beating me up and calling me names." I said quietly.

"What? Your lying. Why are you doing this?" Mario shot at me. I was caught aback.

"Wait, what? I'm telling the truth!" I yelled.

"Madison is the sweetest person! She would never do that!" He yelled. "Goodbye." And he walked away. With Madison.

I felt a stinging in my eyes and then it all came out. The tears flowed freely down my face and I ran home crying my eyes out.

I got home and ran straight to my room. My sister Emily was worried about me and kept knocking on the door and kept asking me questions. I just ignored her and eventually she went away.

I went into my bathroom in my room and locked the door. I promised myself I would never do this but I just lost my best friend, I'm getting beat up everyday, Chloe and Melissa are busy with dance and hockey and I'm just here being sad with no help.

I grabbed the razor and slit it against my skin making the pain start immediately. It hurt but it was worth it. (Ps don't cut its not worth it this just goes with the story)

After I was done I cleaned myself up and cleaned the razor. I unlocked the bathroom door and went toward my closet. I grabbed a big sweatshirt to wear and just jumped onto my bed face first.

I screamed into the pillow, cursing, being so mad and angry at Mario for not believing me and Madison for causing this. Then I got sad and cried. I eventually went to sleep.

Three days later

I have been in my room for three days doing nothing but watch YouTube. I was so sad that I ate all the ice cream we had.

My mom told me to get some fresh air and enjoy the weather so I got a big sweatshirt on again and headed to Starbucks.

As soon as I got inside I noticed a familiar laugh. Mario. Of course the one time I'm outside he's here. Fml.

I made it to the counter successfully and ordered my drink.

"Your name?" He asked.

"Lexi. But when it's ready don't yell my name out really loud." I said.

"Okay." He agreed. Phew.

A couple minutes went by and then I heard,

"LEXXIIII!" Be called out SUPER loud. Awesome.

"Thanks.." I said and grabbed the drink. Mario and Madison noticed me and just stared. Madison said something to Mario and got up and walked toward me. She almost passed me but spilled her drink In front of me and made me fall.

"Oops?" She said and laughed.

Mario came over and helped me up. When I fell my sleeve was moved up when I tried to catch my fall and Mario saw them. The cuts. His face was pale.

"Lexi..?" He said.

"Um, gotta blast." I said and quickly ran out.

What a fun day😒.
That was so much drama but that's fun
Hope you guys enjoyed
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