Chapter Six

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I don't know how they do it. Actress always looked pretty well there getting chased down by men with guns. I mean I know that they have makeup artist, but come on, I want my hair to be straight and shiny.

I sighed looking at my reflection, to tell you the truth, I looked like I was running from men with guns, and hadn't combed my hair for a week, oh wait I did. I ran my hands through my hair in an attempt to get the tangles out. I gave up and tied my hair up in a messy bun, I hurried and brushed my teeth with a toothbrush I stole from the last gas station we stopped at (don't judge me). I looked up in the mirror, my dark brown hair was up in a messy bun, my brown eyes had bags underneath them from lack of sleep, my face had broken out thanks to stress, to sum it up I looked like crap.

I took one last look in the mirror and hurried out the door. The gas station we stopped at wasn't very big, it was really small from only being three miles from the New York . Luke had come with us, but he was really getting on my nerves, he wouldn't shut up about why we were going to New York alone. Shure he was cute, but his personality sucked a lot.

I quickly scanned the store to find Ben and Molly and everyone. I saw Molly deciding what drink she wanted, I quickly walked over to her.

"I told you to get what you needed and leave" I said glaring at her.

"I'm not drinking just anything" she said opening the class door and taking out a Coke.

"Know wasn't that easy" I said smirking at her, she just stuck her tongue out at me. I dug through my backpack that held all of my clothes (a pair of shorts, jeans, and a grey v-neck), and some money, and gun.

I gave the man some money for the food, Luke and everybody else was in the car waiting for us. I had a bad feeling about this, not buying food, but....I don't know, I just have a bad feeling.

"Leah, come on" I was snapped out of my trance by Molly waiting by the door for me. Molly was a normal average girl (except for running from men who wanted to kill her), she had blonde hair that she died, her roots were turning back brown, she had blue eyes, she had a slim face, and a lean body. She had her messy hair in a tight bun, she wore a blue v-neck with a pair of shorts. Even well we were running, she looked like a model.

I sighed shaking my head and walking over to the door, she held it open for me. I brushed past her and into the afternoon sun, it was hot out, but not to hot. It was one of those days you'd sit on the beach, and get a tan.

We were halfway to the car, when I realized I left my bag in the the gas station. I turned around to Molly she raised her eyebrow.

"I'll be back, I left my bag in the gas station" I said turning around and running back into the gas station. I pushed open the door and looked around frantically trying to find my bag, I spotted it on the counter. I sighed as I walked over there, happy to see it still there.

I smiled at the cashier, he smiled back as I grabbed my bag and hurried out the door. I made my way to the car when the car exploded in a fiery wave of heat, throwing me back about three feet back. I was thrown on to the ground, I landed with a thud, my head smashing against the pavement. I sat up my ears ringing, it took me a well for my ears to stop ringing and my vision to come back to normal.

I stood up looking around to see the gas station all in flames. Realisation hit me like a brick wall, I ran to what was left of my car.

"Molly!" I screamed running around like a madman.

"Tom" I yelled again wiping my head around.

"Ben" I yelled again, I saw some people coming out from behind the gas station. I ran towards them, and pulled them in for a hug. Luke awkwardly stood there looking at me weird.

"What the heck happened" Ben asked wiggling out of the hug, and looking at our smashed, burnt car.

"It exploded" I said, standing up straight.

"Yeah, guys I'm totally fine, don't worry about me, I'm not dead" Luke said waving his hands in the air.

"Sadly" I muttered looking away from him, then all of the sudden gunshots flew through the air. I shewed the five of us behind the building, all of us being quiet.

"I know you're here, come out" a man said, I looked around the building to see the cashier holding a gun in the air. He had white hair, and a white stubble, he had wrinkles on his forehead, and dark grey eyes, he was wearing a blue polo shirt, with dark washed out jeans.

I took my gun out of my backpack holding it up in defence.

"You had a gun in that, I slept on that last night" Luke whispered yelled, I gave him a glare shutting him up. I stepped out into the opened and shot at the cashier, the cashier ducked behind a garbage can, well I ducked behind a gas pump that survived the explosion.

"Wouldn't your parents be proud, shooting a gun" the cashier said.

"But sadly you won't be able to see your dad, but don't worry I'll send him and your friends bodys as a present to him. I'm sure he'd be happy, since he didn't care about you, that's why he left huh. He'd be happy you're dead, and your mom would disown you for killing your siblings" he said with an evil laugh.

I flared with anger as I stood up promptly shooting at him. The trash can dented where the bullets hit it. The cashier stood up and ran towards me, smashing me into the gas stations window. My body hit the window as the glass shattered around me, I fell to the ground with a thud. I looked over to see the cashier starting to get up, I hurried and dragged myself toward where my gun lay.

The cashier stood up and started to walk towards me, I hurried and grabbed my gun. As the cashier stood in front of me, I pointed my gun up at him, and pulled the trigger. The cashier's life less body hit the cold hard ground, I sighed as I put my head on the ground.

The sudden noise of a phone, made me jump out of my skin. I stood up and slowly made my way to the phone. I picked it up and waited a second.

"Who is this" I asked.

"Leah Moraz" a man's voice said over the phone. My body shook with fear, as the man said my name.

"Who is this" I asked looking down at the floor.

"This is the man who has been trying to find you" the man said, he sounded around maybe in his mid twenties.

"You mean, kill me" I said with anger in my voice.

"We had to take precautions, you see your family is very dangerous-"

"Is that why you killed my parents, is because you think were dangerous" I asked anger in my words.

The man sighed "yes, but Leah you can't keep running forever, you can't hide from us, give yourself up, and we won't kill you" he said I could hear the irritation in his voice.

"Like I told your boy who I locked up in the me" I said and hung up, I took one last look at the phone, before walking out of the gas station. No way in hell are thye getting my family!

Drive Mad #Wattys2016 (Book One In The Driven Series)Where stories live. Discover now