Chapter Seven

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I hated it, walking. Why can't we just hitch a car, no because they most likely kill us. I was mad, not at my family, but at the world. Why do we have to walk three miles because some jerk decided to blow up our car, I hated them. We've been walking for about an hour and a half, let's just say if Luke complains one more time, I'm gonna hit him with my bag.

"I didn't sign up for this crap, I mean I want to live" he said throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Dude shut up" I said shaking my head, trying to see any gas stations, even better New York.

"No I will not shut up, I could of died" he said, that's when I snapped. I turned around, and got in his face.

"We all could of died, but you're the one who wanted to come along, you had a choice we didn't. So put your big boy pants on, and man up!" I yelled the last part, he stood there shocked, I took a couple steps away from him. I felt kinda bad for yelling at him, but he did have it coming.

I shook my head turning around and walking away. Only if I smart, and brought my phone so I could call a cab, I wanted to smack myself for thinking that. They'ed just track my phone, and we would of already be dead. Other thoughts ran through my head, I didn't even notice Ben coming up to me.

He was wearing a blue and black flannel, and black skinny jeans, his hairs was a mess, and he had a lazy eye. Ben was probably the only nice one in our family, I could even be mean to my siblings, I wasn't always the best sister.

"Leah" Ben asked to get my attention.

"Yeah" I asked looking at him.

"Did you have to be so mean to Luke, I mean he didn't know what he was getting himself into, heck, we didn't either" he said throwing his hands up in the air.

I sighed "No we didn't, but mom did, besides we're trying not to get killed, the least he could do is not complain" I said shrugging and looking back to the road.

"Leah, did it ever occur to you that he's running from something to" he asked stopping, I stopped dead in my tracks. No it never occurred to me, he did say that he was running from something to. I was just too busy trying to keep everyone alive, that I didn't even noticed.

Suddenly I felt really bad, Ben took one last look at me and started walking down the street. I sighed as I started the long walk to New York. Knowing that I just made a huge mistake.

Molly's POV

Walking, walking wasn't really my forte, of course I exercise, I mean a body like mine needs work once in a well. This walking though, was in the blazing heat, and we had only two bottles of water. It didn't help that I felt like puking.

Of course I thought about it, but I never really thought I could be.........pregnant. Besides it's probably just the heat getting to me, I can't be pregnant, do you know what Leah would do to me if I was. I would be so SOS.

I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts, I didn't need those kind of thoughts when I was getting chased down by men. What I needed was a bubble bath, and a Snickers. I sighed thinking about the chocolatey goodness, first thing when I get to New York, buy a Snickers.

Holy crap what if I'm pregnant, I mean, I have been hungry, I have been wanting to take a nap every two seconds, but I couldn't because people are always trying to kill us. I shook my head again, I need to think of something positive, that has nothing to do with food, bath's, Snickers, and especially...........babies.

"Guys" I heard Leah say, I pushed around Ben to stand next to Leah.

"What is is" I asked her, looking at her.

"Were here" she said, I turned around to see her staring at a giant city.

"Welcome to New York" she said pointing to the big city, I gasped.

"Holly Shi-"


Sorry guys that it's late, I've been super busy with school. I had a little bit of free time in one of my classes (History) so I decided to finish this short chapter. The next one will be long promise, don't forget to vote, follow, comment, and share, and follow me on Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Vine. Bye guys!

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Twitter: Destiny Wold

Youtube: Miss Mezzo

Facebook: D.K Wold  

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