Chapter Nine

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I felt sick, not like aching sick, but I have a massive headache and I think I'm gonna barf sick. My eyes were still closed, but I could tell once I opened them I wasn't gonna like what I saw. My body felt like it was hangin on a thread, I could tell I was hanging on something.

I pried my eyes open, to see nothing below me. Yep I was definitely hanging on something, I looked over to my right to see somebody working on something. My vision got blurry so I couldn't tell who or what it was.

When my vision came back I notice I was alone, in a dark cellar, with billions of boxes around me. My first thought was they found us, but then my mind went straight to Tom, Molly, Ben, and even Luke.

I struggled against the rope tying my hands up. As I was trying to untie the rope somebody came into the cell. It was to dark to see who she was, but I did hear clicking sounds of heels, so it must be a girl.

My suspicions were right, as the girl turned on the lamp. She was not much older then me, maybe in her late twenties, she had blonde hair, blue eyes, she was wearing jeans, and a micky mouse shirt. She looked like she belonged at Disney World.

She pulled up a chair, and sat down.

"How are you" she asked, her voice sounded a lot younger then she looked.

"Where am I" I asked, I stopped struggling and untying my ropes, but I was still not letting my guard down.

"Your safe for now, now hows your head" she asked, I felt like I should know this girl, but I couldn't place her anywhere.

"It hurts, I feel like I know you, have we met" I asked, she waved her hand towards me, and a few men came and untied me from the ropes. As I was placed down on the ground, I rubbed ware the ropes left a red burn on my wrists.

"I don't suspect that you remeber me, you were just a baby when I met you. I was there when you were delivered, I was one of the few who got to hold you. I took care of you when your mother couldn't" she said standing up, my eyes grew wide at what she said.

"You knew my mother" I asked bewildered.

"Of course, she was one of the my closest friends, even before she joined the government" she said looking at me with care in her eyes. I was confused, what did she mean about government, and that she was close to my mom. If so why didn't she come and say hi to her, or hang out?

"I know you must be confused, but right now your boyfriend and siblings want to see you" she said guiding me towards a door.

"He's not my boyfriend" I said glaring at her, when I should be punching Luke.

"He seems to think so" she said smirking at me, I blushed. Why was I blushing, I didn't like him, if anything I hated him.

As we walked down the hall all I saw was pavement. Were we underground? If so ware underground? All these thoughts jumbled inside my head till I saw four figures standing in a long hallway.

"Molly" I whispered, it was loud enough for her to hear, she turned my way looking for what called her name. She smiled as she saw me, we ran up to to each other. We hugged each other so tight I swear my eyes popped out.

We pulled away and smiled at each other. The boys came up and gave us a hug, I gave Luke a glare. He just stupid back and gave me a nervous smile.

"Well it's a very touching moment, but I'm sure you guys want a shower " the girl said. My mind went straight to hot water, and soap, and cleanses. I nodded at her letting her know that we wanted it, or needed it.

She lead us down a few more hallways. I never saw a window, just pavement, red carpet, and a few furniture here and there.

" Are we underground" Ben asked from the back, Ben looked tired, and he kept on rubbing his head, making me think they got knocked out to.

The girl didn't even turn around "yes you are" she said turning into another hallway, this one more lit up.

"Ware underground" Tom asked tracing his finger along the pavement.

She stopped at five wight doors, this place was more lit up then the rest. She turned towards us.

"These are your rooms, you can pick what one" see said smiling then turning around to leave.

"Wait" I called after her, she turned around "where are we".

She smiled "You're under the Megan hotel, and I'm the owner Megan, enjoy your stay".


I sighed at the hot water, it felt nice. After I was done with my shower, I brushed my teeth, and made sure my hair didn't look like a ratness.

I walked out of the shower, to see clothes on the white bed, for being underground it was really clean. I put the clothes on, it was a pair of black skinny jeans, and a white tank top with a leather jacket. I left my slightly wet hair down, and walked out of the room.

I wandered around a bit until I came to an elevator. I pushed the silver button and the doors opened, I stepped inside and bushed number five.

I waited in the silver box for a few seconds before the doors open again. I wasn't met with pavement but with a hallway and a window at the end of the hall, there was creamy color carpet and white walls.

I slowly made my way down the hall until I came to a white door. I slowly pushed the door open till I saw Megan. She was sitting on a black chair, behind a brown oak desk, the walls were a creamy color, and there were billions of book cases, there was a large window behind her desk.

She was on the phone when she notice me standing there. She motioned me to come in, still talking to the person on the phone. I made my way in taking her room in, my first thing was to look for exits, habit I've gotten. Into.

"Alright, goodbye" Megan muttered into the phone before standing up, and sitting on the side of her desk.

"What can I help you with Leah" she asked smiling at me.

"Answers" I said shoving my hands in my pant pockets.

She shook her head "Of course you do, what do you want to hear" she asked.

"Everything" I answered.

Hey guys so they finally found Megan and Leahs ganna get some answers not all, but a lot. So don't forget to vote, follow, comment, and share. Until next time, bye!!!

Drive Mad #Wattys2016 (Book One In The Driven Series)Where stories live. Discover now