Chapter Seventeen

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I cringed as I limped to the hotel bed, I sat the duffle bag that held all of our belongings. It's hard to think that four months ago I had a full closet of clothes, now I only have a pair of shorts a tank top, and another set of day clothes. I couldn't complain much though, here at least I could have a shower and not smell like a dying animal.

"Hows your leg" I heard from the doorway, I recognized the voice, it was Luke.

"Could be worse" I said stuffing some blankets in the duffle bag.

"You didn't answer my question" I heard him move to the other bed that was beside my.

I looked down to see my gun, I sighed "it hurts" I said giving up on the tough act.

I turned around and he motioned me to sit and let him look at it. I did what he wanted me to do, propping my leg up on his well sitting down on the rough bed.

He pulled the end of my jeans up to see the bandage area. He pulled the bandage away seeing if it needed to be cleaned again. He sighed, and took a cleansing wipe to clean it. I hissed at the pain.

"So are we going to talk about the kiss at the hotel" he asked me not looking at me, only at the wound.

"We don't need to talk about it" I said looking anywhere but Luke.

"I think we do" he said putting a new fresh bandage on the wood that was stitched and cleaned. He pulled my jeans back down, when he did so I was right back up, I soon regretted by the pain in my leg.

I looked at him growing enough courage to say what had to be said, even if it hurt to say it "I don't have time for this, all that matters is getting my brothers back, not some kiss" I said grabbing the duffle bag, and leaving the room.

Molly came out of the bathroom, her hair was put into a high ponytail, and she was wearing a blue loose shirt, with some sweatpants. Her belly was growing and ever since she got sweatpants, it's been her new best friend, so was chocolate. Sadly I found out by waking up and finding my chocolate all gone, I miss thy some chocolate

"Are you done yet" I asked hoping she wasn't puking.

"Not my fault I have morning sickness" she said getting into the back seat of the car we stole.

"Maybe its karma telling you to stay away from my chocolate" I said rolling my eyes at her, I did feel bad for her though.

"Hey can we stop by Chick Fil A" she asked excitedly.

"You just had breakfast" I said looking back at her over my chair.

"That was a snack not breakfast" she argued.

"Fine, let's go to chick fil a" I said rolling my eyes at her.

Going to Chick Fil A was the dumbest idea I have ever had, not because of the long line that was ahead of us, but because of the cops that were there. Of course me being the person to realize that two armed man with badges that were in front of us ordering their food, well I decided what type of burger I wanted, it was already too late to run.

I looked at the menu deciding what type of burger I wanted, I heard two men talking.

"Have you seen three teenagers here by chance" one of the men asked.

The cashier just shook her head "you're going to have to give me something more to go on, we have a lot of teenagers coming in here" she said.

The man sighed "they're dangerous, they were seen running from the building that was just shot down, they've been on the news, you would know them" I snapped my head in the man's direction, only to see two cops, and of course they were armed. I started freaking out.

I was glad that Molly had the sudden urge to use the bathroom, and glad that Luke was car sick, which meant him standing outside holding his stomach.

"No I'm sorry haven't seen them" the cashier said handing the men there food which was placed in a big brown bag.

"Thank you, have a nice day" the men said taking the bag, and heading out. I stumbled towards the cashier, placing my hands on the counter.

"What can I get you" the women asked, I wasn't paying attention only looking towards the two double doors that the men were standing by. They finally left, I let out a long breath which I didn't know I was holding.

"Mam, hello, can you hear me? Do you speak English" the women asked snapping me out of my haze.

I turned back to her "oh, uh, sorry, um two double cheeseburgers with fries and a drink" I said trying not to faint from the sudden scare.

"Oh uh sorry ladies, forgot my wallet" I turned to look at who said that to only find the cop. The man looked as if he was hit with the "duh I'm an idiot" truck.

"You" he said anger in his voice.

"Oh little old me" I turned towards the cashier "uh goodbye" I grabbed the food throwing the money at the women, and running for my life.

"Stop right there" the man said chasing after me.

"Thank you" I yelled at the cashier swinging the doors open and running outside. With my luck I bumped into a man spilling the soda all over him.

"You're going to pay for a new shirt" he said looking down at his socked blue plaid shirt. He looked up mad, only his anger turning into realization. The other cop ran through the doors standing still as he saw me with the other cop.

"Arrest her" the cop yelled, the other cop who I spilt my drink on, snapped out of his haze and went to grab me. I ducked, and threw the rest of the drink on the cop's face, making him blind for a second. I took the chance and made a run for the car, only to be tackled down to the ground by the cop that didn't have coke in his face.

The door to Chick Fil A was opened, probably a customer wondering why a seventeen year old was tackled to the ground. I turned around trying to land a punch to his face to at least get him off of me. I finally landed a punch only for the cop to be kicked off of me.

I looked up to see Molly holding a cup to held the logo "Chick Fil A", "run" she said using her duh voice as in "Leah, now would be a good time to run". I hurried and pushed myself up off the pavement, only to have a gun point at me and Molly.

"Now put your hands put behind your head and kneeled down on the ground" the cop said the one I threw my-I mean Molly's drink. I nudge Molly's shoulder to tell her put your hands up, we both did before I did a roundhouse kick to his stomach sending him back, his head hiding the pavement knocking him out.

"Molly lets go" I said picking up the bag of food and walked over to our car, getting in. We waited for Luke to hurry and come in the car. Two minutes later he was opening the car door well Molly ate her Chick Fil A well I was drinking her Coke. He got in the car looking at me in disbelief.

"Do I want to know why two police officers are knocked out on the ground with one splashed with Coke in his face" Luke asked as Molly just ate well I placed the cup in the cup holder.

"Nope" I said starting the car and driving out of Chick Fil A.


We got to see some of the bad A Molly which I totally prefer over the quiet Molly, anyone else? Hey guys! So this update will probably be the only one for about week because since it's the end of the year, you know what that means, test. Kill me now please! Jk don't really kill me, please. Alright guys, until next time BYE!   

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