Chapter Ten

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Devastated, was an understament of how I felt. What she told me was crazy, but so was being hunted down because my parents were spy's. Yes you heard me right, spy. Hold on, let's tell you what happened.

Megan smiled at me, not a creepy smile, but a caring smile. Her office had a beautiful view especially for being on the fifth floor. Sadly I wasn't here for the view, I was here for answers and by god I was going to get them!

"Ok then" she said getting off the end of her desk. She walked over to me, standing beside me. I turned my head words her, to see her deep in thought.

"Come" is all she said walking out the door, I followed her to the elevator. As the doors closed she pushed the first button, sending us down.

"Your mother, she worked for the government, an organization called Night Sky. She was a field agent, your father on the other hand, he was her coworker. They hated each other more then you could ever imagen" she laughed at the thought, the doors open to the same grey walls. We exited the elevator, she kept walking down a dark hall.

"Look I don't want to hear about how my mother and father met, I came to you to find answers, and you promised me some" I said stopping. I was tired of this, finding everything else except what I wanted to hear.

"Your just like your mother, wanting everything so soon" I could hear the smile on her face, well I just glared, something I have gotten used to. "Just liken the answer is in the past, if you want to understand liken" she said turning words me. I nodded at her, to finish the story.

"Good" she said continuing walking down the hallway, "now on to the story, when your father had to go on a mission with your mother, he almost quit until he found out what the mission was for" she said opening a door and walking in. The room was just like her office on the fifth floor, but with no great view and no windows, just a lights hanging from the ceiling.

"What was the mission for" I asked the curiosity getting the best of me.

She turned toward me frowning "to break into a terrorist organization and steal a document that could bring the end to our government and our cyclization" I should there speechless, yes my parents were touch, but I never thought they were tough enough to take on terrorist alone.

"What was the document" I asked.

She sighed "To make an alliance with North Kiera, and override the government" she said her face not showing any emotions.

I sucked in breath, ok totally freaked out!

"I know a lot to take in, but without that document Solicits cannot continue with their plan" she said. I gave her a confused look.

"What's the Solicits" I asked her.

"That's what the terrorist group calls themselves" she said leaning on her desk.

"What does this have to do to me, and why people are trying to kill us" I asked, right about now is when she's supposed answer my question right about now.....

"Your mother and father got in and made a Coby of the document and delegated the rest, they got out, but barely. Your mother and father were insurable since, she gave the document to Sky Night" she said standing up and heading words the door again. I followed her into the hallway again, she kept on walking down the hallway the light growing stronger so we could see.

"Your mother and father soon found out that Night Sky was going to sell the document to another terrorist group, so they broke into Night Sky and stole the document" she said turning down another hallway this one had a door at the end.

"What did they do with the document " I asked walking beside her.

"Your mother hid it, didn't even tell me ware, I was hoping you knew" she said stopping and looking at me hopefully.

I shook my head no "I'm sorry, I don't know where it is" I said sadly. Knowing how much it would help if I knew ware this document was, but I didn't another thing I failed at.

"Come on I need to show you something" she said leading me to the door. She pushed it opened to be heard yelling, I walked inside to see people training, from knife throwing, to bow and arrow, and guns, and one on one fighting.

"Why did you bring me here" I asked.

She came and stand next to me "the Soloist is back Leah, and there coming for you, and your family. You need to know how to protect yourself, and your family" she said putting a hand on my shoulder and gesturing to four people trying to train, trying is the key word. I regained them as Luke, Molly, Ben and Tom.

"Leah its time" she said giving my shoulder a squeeze. I smiled up at her, and she returned it. I walked words my family (maybe including Luke), I smiled as I saw them.

"Leah" Ben yelled running words me, he hugged me tightly, I smiled and returned it. They all gave me a hug, I even hugged Luke. We all pulled away, smiling.

"Wow Leah you look...." He trailed off.

I laughed at him "thanks" I said smiling.

"Did they tell you what's going on" Molly asked.

I nodded at her "they did and I swear I'll tell you everything, but first we need to do something" I said smirking.

They all gave me questioning looks "what would that be" Tom asked.

"Let's go train" I said smirking.


Hey guys sorry it's a late update, but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Now you guys have some answers, more hopefully will come soon. Until next time BYE!!!!

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