Chapter Twelve

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Can we all just look up and marvel at the fantastic cover that  @brokenugget made.

Molly's POV

This was hard, not fighting, not running from men who killed my mom and dad, and finding out that Leah is my step sister, it was lying. I was good at it, that I got from mom, but I've never lied to my family. I was always honest to my family, but this I had to keep to myself, and I had to keep on lying to them so they could stay alive.So my baby can stay alive.

Yeah you heard me, baby. I was pregnant and the test in my hand showed it, freaking out was the definition of me at the moment. This kid hasn't even been born and it's already been through so much. I couldn't have this baby, at least not like this.

A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts. "Molly are you ok, you've been in there for some time now" she said, I could hear the concern in her voice, and it broke me. "Yeah, I'll be out in a minute" I said quietly still looking at the test. I threw the test in the trash bin, washed my hands and left the bathroom.

Leah was standing outside waiting for me, "you ok" she asked, no I was gonna have a flippen baby well on the run from men who want to kill us, "yeah I'm fine" I lied. She looked at me with concern in her eyes, it was like mom staring at me all over again. This was harder for me to keep this from Leah, I know me and her hate each other, but were sisters so it's hard.

¨Alright, just letting you know, Alex wants to see you¨ she said sighing at the end. Alex was one of the tech guys, I wasn't so great with weapons, so he wanted to see if I got my dad's geans. The smarts.

¨Alright¨ I said leaning back on the door frame. Leah gave me a shoulder bump before she left. I leaned against the door frame for a couple of minutes just thinking of how long I could keep this lying up, not for long my mind kept telling me. I stood up and walked over to the door heading toward the tech room.

When I walked into the tech room Alex was waiting for me on his computer. I closed the door catching his attention, he turned toward me giving me a slight smile. I smiled back walking towards his desk in an ocean of them.

¨Hey I'm glad you came" he said leaning back in his chair, I grabbed a wheely chair and brought it over to his desk sitting on it.

¨Please don't quote The Wanted¨ I begged, he laughed as he started up his computer. Me of course soon figured out that he had a tattoo. Me being the most stupid person in the world, asked what it was.

¨What does your tattoo mean¨ I asked, putting my elbow on the desk and laying my head in my hand.

¨Oh that old thing, it's just showing my loyalty¨ he said staring at the tattoo. It had letters that looked Egyption and a symbol with a cross and two circles around it. I was confused but I let it go.

¨Ok, so I set up this bug in this computer, I want you to find it, crack the code, and get rid of it, can you do it?" He asked looking up from his computer at me.

¨I think I can¨ I said taking Alex spot at the desk looking at the computer.

¨Please don't quote the The Little Train That Could¨ He mimicked me, I glared at him. He only smiled. I touched the keyboard over thinking everything.

¨Hey don't over thing this, just let your hands do the work¨ Alex said putting his hands on my shaking ones. I nodded and I let my hands do the work.

Five minutes later and Alex hitting a ball on the desk, I finally finished. I leaned back in my chair looking at the computer amazed. I might of actually done this.

¨I think I did it¨ I said smiling at myself. Alex dropped the ball rolling his chair over to me. I scooted away for him to take a look. He started typing on it, a couple seconds later he leaned back and started at the computer.

He turned towards me smiling ¨you did it¨ he said, I stared at him.

¨I did it¨ I asked again amazed.

¨You did it¨ he said laughing.

¨Yeah, let's do another¨ I said smiling like crazy, and for a split second. I forgot about my problems.


Hey guys, so I had a little time in my English class to finish this chapter so I hope you guys liked it. If you guys didn't know, this was in Molly's point of view. I know I haven't been updating lately it's mostly because of problems I'm having, so I hope you guys won't be to mad. I will try to update again, until then BYE!

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