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***Strong sexual content in this chapter!! You can't say I didn't warn you!***

"Zoe, you are sexy!" I chuckled at Becca and looked down at my outfit. I smoothed out my skirt and pulled it down a little bit. I wanted to look nice not slutty.

"Yea Z, you look beautiful." I looked up at X and saw the darkening if his eyes, so I quickly changed the subject. I didn't need another incident like a few days ago.

"Okay then, let'a head out." Beck said sensing the slight tension.

We arrived at the club and didn't even bother going in line. Beck pecked her brother's cheek and followed her lead. X just nodded and Gionni opened the door for us to go in. I couldn't help but chuckle at all the groans from the people stuck in line.

The first place we stopped by was the bar. "Hey boo! Looking sexy! And bunny you look gorg!" I leaned over the bar and pecked Sam's cheek.

"Hey Sam, long time no see. I missed you!" I replied trying to get him to hear me over the music and demands if drunken people.

"Who's fault is that I haven't seen my bunny in so long? And who is this stranger?" He said nodding his head in X'a direction.

"This is Xavier, Ava's fiancee." Sam raised his eye brows in surprise.

"This is mystery man?" I nodded and he shrugged effectively ending that convo. "What can I get you guys?"

"Long Island Iced Tea."

"Sex on the Beach."

"Mango Margarita."

Sam got our drinks quickly and I relaxed against the bar as I drank my margarita. I could feel myself letting loose with the alcohol in my system.

By the time the song Freaks by French Montana came on, I was a goner. "This is my song!" I squealed. Me and Becca had our own dance to it so I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the dance floor. A circle of people surrounded us as we started our dance and I felt hands come around my hips.

'I met this little girl by the name of Anita.'

For some reason that was my favorite line and I just started grinding on whoever was behind me. Their hands tightened in my hips and I continued to grind locking my arms around their neck.

The person buried their face in my neck and began nibbling and sucking. The pleasure had me grinding and dancing so hard and I cloud tell the guy was enjoying it too, his erection was enough to tell me.

"Baby, please stop doing your hips like that unless you want to do something you'll regret." It registered that the voice belonged to X, but I didn't care at the moment.

"Hmm are you sure you want me to stop?" I bent over and slowly came back up wining my hips that whole time.

"F*ck it!" X slammed my butt into his erection and grinder on me and I grinder back. It was sexy and we were finally done 3 songs later.

When we walked back to the bar, Becca was flirting with Sam and he was flirting just as hard back. "Beck, we're heading out. Are you staying with Sam?" She nodded, but I was still hesitant.

"I get off in 30 minutes, don't worry about her, Bunny." I blew a kiss to Sam and Beck then turned and walked towards the door.

"Gio, I'm heading home. See you tomorrow?"

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. Have a good night, Bella." I kissed his cheek then pulled out my phone to call a taxi.

"Z, I'm good to drive. I didn't even drink half of my iced tea." I examined his face and he was clearly still sober. I nodded and followed X to the car.

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