Chapter 29

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"Baby, are you sure you're alright?" I sighed and smiled tiredly at X for the hundredth time.

"Yes X, go to work. Me and Yanni are just fine. If anything I'll call Jay up."

"Hmm I'm starting to like that guy less and less." X grumbled and I just rolled my eyes.

"You know I only have eyes for you. Love you now off you go!" I shooed X out of the room with my empty hand and gently rocked Ayanna with the other. She cooed gently in my arms and I glanced down at her lovingly.

"My gorgeous little girl. Mommy loves you so so much." She smiled her toothless grin and I melted on spot. Just as I reached for my phone, it started ringing and 'Jay' popped up.

"I was just about to call you." Jay laughed into the phone.

"Oh really? You missed me that much?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Yea, I missed you so so much." I said exaggeratedly. "Why don't you come by the house? Me and Yanni need some company."

"You want to invite little ole me?" I rolled my eyes again at Jay and chuckled.

"Just come over you big dummy." We said our goodbyes and I heard Ayanna start to fuss. I looked down and saw her fidgeting and knew it was her diaper.

I took her back to her room and changed her diaper. Almost immediately she was back to her toothless grin.


"Uncle Jay Jay's here." I cradled her in my arms and went to answer the door. When I opened it, Jay was standing there with a cute baby toy in hand.

"Employee discount." He wiggle the toy above Ayanna and she reached her tiny little fingers up until she caught it and brought it to her mouth.

I led him out to the back patio and we sat by the pool side. Ayanna'a sweet laughter was music to my ears and I smiled down at her.

"How's life been with her?" I smiled at Jay wearily.

"Tiring. She keeps us up alot in the night with her crying, but it's a blessing. Seeing her beautiful smile everyday and seeing her just makes my day."

"I can see that. You look in love."

"I am." We say in silence for a while before I heard voices out front. A couple minutes later I heard Becca laughing with Elliot and Gionni. I was pleasantly surprised to see Gionni balancing on Elliot and a cane.

"How's my god daughter?" I laughed and handed the giggling Ayanna to Becca who was immidiately enchanted by her.

"Gio! I'm so happy to see you out that chair!" He laughed and held out his non cane hand for a hug. I hugged him tightly then went for Elliot next. "I'm so glad to see you El, it's been a while since we last hung out."

"Yea, I've been busy." I didn't miss the look of love and lust floating in Elliot's eyes or the slight blush that erupted on Gionni's cheeks.

"So is it safe to say that you guys are good?" Elliot smiled at Gionni.

"Yea, that's a safe assumption to make." I grabbed Elliot's hand and squeezed.

"I'm glad." After that Ayanna was slowly passed around to everyone, save the occasional diaper change and feed, until eventually she fell asleep in Jay's arms.

We lounged around until I felt arms wrap around me and the familiar scent of X enveloped me. "Hey, how are my two favorite girls?" Instead of answering, I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply.

"Eww get a room." Everyone laughed and Ayanna shifted in my arms.

"Hmm yea I'm really starting to dislike him." X whispered against my lips.

I just chuckled and kissed him sweetly again. I looked around the backyard and noticed that Luke had also come over.

This was my family. Whether I liked it or not, Ava was no longer a part of it, but I think I'll be okay.

As long as I have X, Ayanna, and all my friends, I'll be fine.


Okay so if you guys can't tell this story is coming to an end. :( Just a couple more chapters if baby time and wedding planning! Maybe 5 more then an epilogue.

I hope you guys enjoyed!! :)

This was sort of a filler chapter but it was to let you see how Zoe and X are doing after the birth of little Y!

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Love you guys! :P

X, Y & ZDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora