Chapter 18

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"What do you mean it'a not X's?" I didn't know if I had heard her right or not.

"I mean I messed up. The day that Xav said he wanted to break up, I left and went to the bar. This guy was there, he had brown eyes, dark hair and he was so tall and handsome. I felt sorta bad because I knew you had a thing for him, but I was so drunk I didn't know what I was doing anymore."


Dark hair?

Brown eyes?

I prayed she wasn't talking about Frank. I knew she saw how messed up he was from that one day at the diner.

"If all this happened, why were you so worried about X cheating on you or him actually leaving you?" He sighed.

"Because I still love him! He was supposed to be my husband in a couple months. I was going to be Mrs. Ava Jameson and that was just ripped from me. After I slept with-"

She was about to say his name, but caught herself. "After I slept with him, I felt so guilty, but in a little way I felt like everything was even now. I know Xav has cheated on me and now I did too."

It was a really f*cked up logic, but in the heat of the moment, I guess I understood her.

"When will you tell me who it is?"

"I have to talk to him first." It was times like this where I prayed that I was wrong and it wasn't Frank because the new Frank was violent and unpredictable.

After Ava's shocking news, our appetites for anything else was basically gone and we just headed back to my house. When I got there, X was laying on the couch with a book in hand.

"Hey Z, Ava." He went back to his book and I glanced over at Ava who was looking at X extremely guiltily. I knew she wanted privacy so I walked out of my living room and into my bedroom. I slipped off my shoes and fell into a much needed sleep.


When I woke up, I saw that the clock said 8:40 pm and I realized I'd been asleep for a good 5 hours. I stretched and yawned before slipping on my slippers and opening my door.

I heard hushed voices and I knew one belonged to Ava. Who was she whispering to?

"Look, it was a mistake. I know it was, but now i'm having your kid." She had Frank in my house?

I stepped out from behind the corner and my eyes widened. She wasn't talking to Frank, she was talking to Luke.


Dark hair?

Brown eyes?

All of those described Luke too.

She was pregnant by X's best friend.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for the lateness in the chapters. I've been really busy with softball lately and haven't gotten a chance to write this out.

Well it's not's actually Luke! Who guessed that one?? How do you think X reacted when Ava told him?

I hope you enjoyed!

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Love you guys!! :P

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