Chapter 27

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"Oh gosh my baby hasn't even been born yet and I'm a terrible mother!" The tear sprung from my eyes and I cried into the pillow on the couch.

"Come on, baby. No you're not. You're a great mommy already and in sure

little Yanni loves you as much as I do."

"But I completely forgot about her room! I mean I'm already 7 months! We can't do all we wanted in a month and a half!" X sighed and held out his hand for me to hold.

"I have something to show you." I sniffled then stood up and followed X to our guest room. When the door opened, I gasped loudly and more tears came to my eyes.

"How- how did I not know?" He came behind me and hugged me while laying his chin on my shoulder.

"You were always so tired and stressed, so while you rested, I worked." The guest room was no longer that, it had been transformed completely into a baby room. The walls were a pretty pale green and there was toys lining the walls. A mahogany colored crib was against the left side wall and the dresser lined the right wall.

"Wh- what's left for me then? I haven't done anything!" I turned and pouted into X's chest.

"What do you mean? You have the most important job! You're carrying our angel. And I'm sure you can buy more diapers and clothes. Little Y is gonna be spoiled." I laughed and glanced around the room noticing the other details like the little fairies that lined the wall close to the ceiling and the Disney character blanket resting on the brown rocking chair in corner.

"I love it so much." I hugged X as close as my belly allowed and sniffled into his chest. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby. Why don't you call Beck and see if she's up for a little baby shopping? I have to stop at the office for a couple hours anyway." I nodded and broke away from my fiancee.

I still loved the sound of that. Fiancee.

I grinned to myself and picked up my phone to call Becca. She picked up in the fourth ring.

"Hey Zo, what's up?"

"Up for some baby shopping?" She groaned.

"I wish, babe! Gionni is at a therapy session and Elliot couldn't make it this time, so I'm with him." I shrugged, even though she couldn't see.

"It's fine! Gionni is more important that clothes. Tell him I said I and that I love him!"

I heard Gionni yell that he loved me too and I said bye and hung up. I guess I could see if Sam or Luke could come. Oh, Luke would most likely be in office with X. Well, I haven't seen Sam since the proposal and I'm sure he'd love to go.

I dialed his number but it went to voicemail. "Guess it's shopping by myself for now." I shrugged and grabbed my purse.

I arrived at Babies R Us and grabbed a shopping cart and began humming to myself. "Excuse me ma'am, do you need any help?" I turned and saw the young worker peering at me with a questioning gaze.

"Not really, but could I use your opinion on some clothes?" The guy shrugged.

"Sure, might make this shift bearable." I chuckled and pushed my cart to the baby girl section with the guy in tow.

"So what's your name Babies R Us worker?" It was his turn to chuckle now.

"The name's Jay. And yours pretty lady?"

"Zoe and are you hitting on a pregnant, engaged lady?"

"Ehh it was worth a try." He shrugged and I chuckled. He was making my visit worthwhile.

"How old are you anyway, Jay?"

"19, and may I ask the age of the pretty lady?"

"I'm 24." I smiled at Jay and picked up a pink onesie. "What do you think?"

"Cute. Your daughter's gonna be adorable in that. How old is the lucky guy?"

"He's 27. What about this one?" I picked up a purple onesie that said 'I have Daddy wrapped around my finger'.

"I'm sure the dad'a gonna love that one." We joked and shopped for another hour and a half until I decided that it was time to check out.

"You know Jay, you've made this a very enjoyable trip."

"And Zoe, you've made this a very enjoyable shift. Please feel free to come back."

"And I'll make sure to ask just for Jay." I hugged him and went to the shortest check out line. The woman scanned all my clothes and rang up my total.

"That will be $153.61." I pulled out my debit card and the cashier gasped. "Your ring is beautiful!" I blushed slightly with how loud she said it.

"Thank you, my fiancée did good."

"Why yes he did."



I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed at all the papers on my desk. It wasn't a hard deal, but I couldn't stop thinking about going home to my fiancee.

"Daydreaming again?" I looked up at a smirking Luke and flicked him off. "Aw love you too, bro."

"I just want to be home with my girl. The baby'a coming soon and I just want to have everything in order."

"Ahh the baby jitters. You're gonna be a great dad."

"Think so?" I really just needed some confirmation. I didn't want to screw up my daughter s life or anything.

"I know so, now get back to work!" Luke laughed and walked out of the office. I gathered up my papers and laptop and packed it all into my briefcase.

I stopped by the front desk and let my favorite secretary Macy know that I was leaving. "Going home to surprise the missus?"

"Something like that." I grinned at the 30 something year old woman and made my way down to the car park. I noticed a shadow resting on my car and as I got closer, I noticed it was a pregnant shadow.

"Ava? What do you want?" She turned to face me and gave me a sultry smile that I used to love.

"Hey Xavy. I missed you." She started to slide her hands around my neck, but I grabbed her hands and stopped her.

"No, Ava. Just quit while you're ahead." Her expression changed and she huffed in anger.

"This is unreal! I leave for a couple months! And what do you do? You screw my whore of a sister and leave me! I didn't deserve this!"

I knew that Ava had been unfaithful in China because her friend Kelly had called me numerous times to tell me. Kelly was her best friend, but she was always all about faithfulness.

How ironic.

"Tell me, Ava. We're you faithful to me too? Am I the only wrong one?"

"Yes!" She screeched! "I loved you and stayed faithful! You're all I've ever wanted." I could have laughed at how believable she was, but I could see right through it.

"And this is why we wouldn't have lasted. You lie too much." I walked past her and got into my car, putting my briefcase in the passenger seat and turning the car on.

"You'll miss what we had after a while. You'll want me back ad I will laugh in your face." I sighed.

"Go home, Ava." She growled in frustration and stormed off. I just pulled out of my spot and made my way home.

If anything, Ava just made me want Zoe that much more.


Yooooo! How do you guys feel about my little filler chapter? Think Jay should be a main character? What for you think Ava was trying to accomplish with confronting X?

Hope you enjoyed! :)

It might not come right away but I will be adding adding a picture of Jay to the side!

Vote! Comment! Fan me!

Love you guys! :P

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