Chapter 12

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Zoe's POV:

I saved my latest chapter and closed my laptop before getting up and walking to the bathroom for a shower. Today I had my first ultrasound, so I was driving over and X was going to meet me from work. He'd been going to the office a lot more and his response was so that he could 'finish more stuff faster and get more money for us.'

His words, not mine.

I finished my shower and threw on my black tights and a Nike 'Just Do It' t-shirt. I grabbed my keys and called X on my way to the hospital.


"Hey X, are you on your way yet?"

"Yup, I'm walking out the door right now. See you at the doctor's office. Love you."

"Love you too." I sighed happily when I hung up. I was still partially in shock from our confessions of love. When I'd told him over the phone, it had slipped out and I was scared it would be awkward between us, but instead he attacked my lips and said he loved me too.

I pulled up to the hospital and walked into the dreaded building, the only thing keeping me going was the fact that I would see my little baby today. I walked into the office and was instantly saw X in the corner looking awkward, all the pregnant women were eye raping him and although it was funny, I was getting a little jealous.

I walked over to X and kissed him deeply before breaking away and the pecking his lips again. "What was that for?" He was still slightly dazed and I couldn't help but be happy that I had that effect.

"I was claiming my territory." I answered back. He smirked and scooted closer to me.

"Oh, so I'm yours?"

"Damn right." X laughed and wrapped his arms around me, slowly rubbing circles on my stomach.

"Good." I didn't answer back and we just sat in silence until I got called to the back. I ignored all the glaring woman because they never had a chance with MY man anyway.

"Zoe Anderson?" We stood up and followed the fakery smiling nurse to the back room.

"Just lay up on the bench and the doctor will be in with you soon." She gave X a lingering look before leaving the room. I growled in frustration.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm going to break your face?"

"What? Why?" He was a little alarmed and I would've laughed if I wasn't so agitated.

"So girls will stop looking at you." He laughed.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing I'm yours." He leaned in to kiss my lips but we heard the door opening, so we decided to save the doctor from seeing a mini porno.

"Well hello there Ms. Anderson. How are you feeling today?"

"I'm good. So far my munchkin hasn't been giving me too many problems." I said proudly rubbing my belly.

"I'm glad, now is this the father?" X nodded and held out his hand to shake it.

"Hi doc, I'm Xavier Jameson."

"Nice to meet you sir, ready to see your baby?" The doctor smiled at us before slipping on a pair of gloved and grabbing a white tube. "I have to warn you, this stuff is cold." She sure wasn't lying.

She turned the monitor to face us and a steady beat filled the room. "Is that our baby?" X asked.

"Yes sir, and if you look right here on the screen, that's your baby." I looked at the screen and smiled in pure joy as I made out the image of the little baby on the screen. Then it hit me.

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