Chapter 33

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"Zoe, baby. Wake up." I slowly opened my eyes and came face to face with a smiling X. Only he wasn't on the bed in a gown.

"Why aren't you in bed?" He smiled wider.

"We have a wedding to attend to." I shifted my eye and caught the glittering if my engagement ring back on my finger. He must've slipped it on when I was sleeping.

I stood up and stretched then grabbed X's hand as he began to lead me out of the room. We passed the doctor along the way.

"Mr. Jameson, I do strongly disagree with your self check out, but if any problems occur please don't hesitate to come back." X stayed smiling and nodded, then continued to lead out of the hospital.

"Hey aren't you supposed to be lead out on a wheelchair?" X turned to me and winked telling me that he definitely was supposed to get led out in a wheelchair.

"Sh, that's our little secret." I shook my head and chuckled.

"Oh my big rebel." He stopped and kissed me on the lips in the middle of the parking lot.

"I love you." I smiled softly.

"I love you too."


Xavier's POV

The drive home was quiet and it gave me enough time to think about all that's transpired in the last day.

I almost lost the woman of my dreams because of my ex. I shook my head at the thought of Ava. She angered me so much and I have no clue what I ever saw in her.

We pulled up to the house and I kissed Zoe goodbye. We were going to separate parts of the house to get ready and then arriving at the wedding venue at separate times. Obviously, me first.

I made my way to the guest house and saw all the grooms men in the dress pants and white shirts. "Aye man, where you been?"

"Hospital." I smirked at Luke's shocked face. I knew that vague answer would freak him out.

"What? Why?" I ignored him and walked towards my tux. "Don't ignore me! What happened, man?"

"I'll tell you later. I just want to hurry up and get dressed. Thankfully I'd taken a shower at the hospital, which actually wasn't that bad, so I could start getting dressed.

Jay walked up next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I turned to face him. "Your fiancée handled Ava. I gotta say, you are one lucky man." I didn't know what he meant by 'handled' but I already knew I was lucky.

"I know man." I finished getting dressed and stared at myself in the mirror.

"Can I have a minute?" I glanced over at my mother and everybody obediently cleared the room.

"Hi mom." She kissed my cheek.

"Baby, I just need to know. Are you sure?" I looked at her confused.

"Sure of what?" My mom sighed.

"Marrying Zoe. You about to walk into a bunch of drama since you were engaged to-" I stopped her before she could finish.

"I don't care what we have to deal with. I love her and our daughter very much as I plan on making us a family today." I stared my mother straight in her eye and never broke eye contact.

"And that is all I needed to hear. Congratulations. I love you."

"Love you too, mom." She kissed my cheek again and left the room. Luke stuck his head through the door and smiled.

"Showtime, bro."

Standing at the end of that aisle was the scariest thing in my life. What if she decided not to marry me?  I guess Luke noticed my mini break down because he put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. 

"She loves you, man. You'll be fine." I took a deep breath an calmed down. I still wasnt fully okay because of my hospital visit last night, but Zoe was worth it. The music started playing and I looked down the aisle as her father came in view, meaning I was seconds away from seeing my queen. 

She was stunning in her simple dress. I couldnt tear my eyes from her gorgeous brownish green ones. I loved this woman so much and I was about to prove it. 


"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss your bride." I smiled down and Zoe before kissing her sweetly. 

"You are my world." I whispered against her lips. I felt her smile and I rested my head against hers before we turned to the cheering crowd. We ran through the shower of rice and rose petals and ran to our limo that would lead us to our reception. 

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