Chapter 26

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"Hey Baby, come sit down." My feet were hurting, but I couldn't sit. Frank was still in surgery 6 hours later and still no update.

"I can't sit knowing that. He could die." X shook his head at me.

"He tried so hard to make your life miserable and even hurt you, yet you're sitting here worrying so much for him." I paused in mid pace and stared at X. He didn't understand and I knew he wouldn't unless he was in the situation.

"You know, at one point he was a great man and recently he'd just been mislead. It's just costing him more than he deserves."

"Oh he deserves it." X mumbled. I snapped my head and glared at him.

"No one deserves death." He held his hands out in surrender and I continued my pace until I saw a doctor coming our way.

"Are you here for Mr. Frank Reeds?" I nodded and the doctor proceeded to take off his mask and hat. "He's stable right now, but I don't know how long that will last." That's statement was like a blow to the heart.

"Can I see him?" I chocked out. The doctor gestured for me to follow behind him and we approached room 218. I took a deep breath before opening the door and covered my mouth as I chocked back my cry. Seeing so many tunes coming out of one person was scary, coming out of someone you once loved is scarring. I know that image will be forever burned in my mind.

"Zoe?" My attention turned to the broken man trying to sit up in the bed. I rushed to his side and gently pushed him down.

"Shh, just rest." He shook his head and pointed to theater glass at the edge of the table. He gulped it down and weakly cleared his throat.

"Zoe, I'm not going to make it out of the hospital." I started to argue, but he weakly shook his head. "No Zoe, you know it just as much as I do. I'm getting weaker by the second, your Superman can't live through this one." I chuckled sadly at his reference to his nickname during our relationship.

"You will Superman. I know you will." He smiled at me and weakly raised a hand to stroke my cheek.

"I'm so sorry, Zoe. For everything I've ever done to hurt you. From our relationship to trying to jeopardize things with you and Xavier. I've only ever loved you and I want you to be happy. Forgive me." His last sentence was basically a whisper and I cried harder knowing this was his last wish. I grabbed the hand that he had used to stroke my cheek and held it against my face.

His hand was already pale and cold in comparison to mine. "Frank I'm so sorry. I shoulder helped you, been there for you, anything." He shook his head at me.

"You've done more than enough for me, I just always took advantage." His breathing was shallowing out and I closed my eyes hard and rested my head against his chest, still holding his hand.

"Frank, I forgive you for everything and I've only ever loved you. Frank you're a great man."

"Thank you." I barely heard him say that because it was so faint, but what scared me is I no longer heard shallow breaths.


Nurses rushed in and gently pushed me out as they started to try resuscitate him. I pressed my face against the glass in time to hear the doctor sigh and say:

"Frank Reeds. Time of death: 12:06."


"Has she left the bed yet?" I heard Becca whisper to X.

"No, but I've tried. Ever since she got home last night, she's been like this." X whispered back tiredly. I felt bad because he had been up all night making sure I was okay.

"Beck, come here." I saw Becca seconds later and gestured for her to sit on the bed with me. We sat in silence for a minute before I broke the silence.

"It's scary, you know."

"What is?"

"That in a second anyone could be gone. I watched his chest stop moving, felt his cold hand, saw his eyes turn lifeless. What if that was X or Ava?"

"But it wasnt. Frank was tortured and now he's in a better place."

"All he wanted was forgiveness. He could've asked for anything, done anything, but all he did was ask for my forgiveness and you know what happened after I have it I him?"


"Not even a minute later, he was dead." We went silent again and I started sobbing again. "I still cared you know, even though I'd moved on, I still cared."

"I know, hun. I know." Becca wrapped her arms around me and we just sat in silence as I silently mourned Frank.

After my conversation with Becca I felt much better and called X into the room.

"Feel better, baby?" I nodded and scooted over for him to sit next to me on the bed. Once he sat down I crawled into his lap and he wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you." I said into his chest. His arms tightened around me.

"I love you too so much." We say quietly for a little bit.

"What if that had been you? I don't know what I would've done if I saw your chest stop moving and see the life go out in your face. It hurt so much seeing Frank, I can't even imagine you."

X made me look him in the face and I stared into his gorgeous eyes. "It wasn't me. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." I wrapped my hands around his neck and just stayed there for a while.

I couldn't lose X, not now. Not ever.


Okay so Frank died :( I'm not happy about it but it happened. This was an emotional chapter even for people who didn't like Frank. He wasn't a bad guy!

Anyway why do you think??

Hope you enjoyed :)

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