Chapter 20

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I was going to play this right. When Gionni came over, he wasn't going to know what hit him.


"Hey Gio! Come over!" He laughed.

"Okay, baby doll." At this moment, him calling me a nickname sickened me. Does this mean that he'd lied to me?

Was he actually even gay? And what about Elliot? I know when he found out, he wouldn't be happy.

I sat down on the couch and curled into X. It was a risk with Ava in the house, but one I was willing to take. Right now, I needed X's support.

"How could Gio do this?" I asked X after a couple minutes of silence. He sighed and kissed my forehead.

"The same way I could sleep with you while being engaged." That hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was looking at Gio like he was a criminal, but me and X were just as guilty. He'd slept with me and gotten me pregnant the same way Gio slept with Ava and got her pregnant.

There was a knock at the door and I opened it, expecting to find Gio but instead I found a note and a rose.

'My little Zoe. You really should tell your sister the truth and stop playing around. Come back to me, where you belong.

With all my love,


The paper was stained with different types of foods and the handwriting was sloppy which told me he was drunk, or his new favorite: high.

Before I closed the door, I saw Gio's car pull up and I knew it was time to sort this all out. When Gionni showed up, Elliot and Becca were in the car too. This could either be a disaster or a really quick ending.

"Hey girl!" Becca hugged me and walked past me into the house like always and Elliot courteously hugged me and asked me about my day.

We all walked to the living room and I sat back down on the couch with X. "So Gio, how's work been?"

"It's been great. The club is getting more and more popular,so the boss hired more bouncers. I get a break now too." He said laughing. I chuckled lightly, but the issue was pressing down hard on my mind.

"Gio can I talk to you in private?" He looked confused but stood up and followed me to my room. I say down on my bed while he sat down in my desk chair.

"What's up, baby doll?"

"Did you sleep with Ava?" I asked. His face paled and he looked panicked.

"It was a lapse of judgement. Please don't tell Elliot. I really love him." My heart broke for Gio, but this was his decision.

"I won't tell him. You will." I got up and walked out of the room and saw that Ava had joined the group in the living room. Gio seemed to pale even more when he saw Ava, but he his nervousness well.

Ava stood up and walked to Gio until she was face to face with him, then slapped him hard. Becca and Elliot jumped up and looked to defend Gio, but he stopped them.

"I'm sorry." He simply said.

"Sorry isn't enough. I'm pregnant now." Gio stumbled back and he put his face in his hands.

"G, what is Ava talking about?" Becca asked cautiously. It's as if whatever she heard, she knew she wouldn't like.

"I messed up. Please forgive me, El. I love you so much." I saw the tears build in Elliot's eyes before he pinched Gionni in the face.

"If you loved me, you wouldn't have cheated on me." Elliot wiped his eyes and walked out of the room. I assume he was leaving because I wouldn't want to stay either.

"Please tell me this isn't true." Becca was still in denial and I felt bad for her. Gio was older brother who could do no wrong. He helped her with everything was always strong. So to see him curled in a ball, crying and cradling his swelling cheek hit her hard.

"I'm sorry Becky girl. I messed up. Forgive me." It was a sad sight and I just wanted to cradle Gio in my arms, but I didnt. He looked so broken and right now he needed his sister.

"Look, it's been a long night and everyone needs time to figure this out." I stood up and left for my room, not caring what the rest of everybody did.

I felt someone come in behind me and I snuggled into them, knowing it was X.

"Life is a mess now." I sobbed out. All the pent up frustration, anger, and sadness had boiled over. I cried that night until I fell into a strange sleep.

My family was falling apart around me and I didn't know what type glue to use to get it back on track.


Hey guys! I know I threw you guys in for a loop last chapter but how do you like this one? What's up with Franks creepy note?

Anyway, vote! Comment! Fan me!

Love you guys :P

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