Chapter 14

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Orange or Green.

That’s what I’ve been reduced to. I was sitting on the couch in my house looking at different colors for my sister’s wedding. “What do you thing Zoe? Personally, I like the orange.”

“I guess I like the orange too.” Ava groaned in frustration and rolled her eyes.

“You’re my maid of honor and you’re acting like you don’t care!” I rolled my eyes. It’s because I don’t care. I don’t want to help plan the wedding for my sister when I’m in love with the groom.

“Get over yourself, Ava. It honestly wouldn’t matter what I choose because you’re going to pick what you want and I’m going to wear it and smile.” I jumped up and walked away from Ava. She was probably a little shocked because I’ve never been one to talk back to her. It was always that Ava commanded and I followed.

Not anymore.

I went into my room and just looked in the mirror. Honestly I looked nothing like Ava. She took after our father with her rusty red hair and pale complexion. His Irish descent coming out full force in her, while I had a more olive complexion and dark hair like our Greek mother.

“You’re beautiful.”  I was so engrossed in my thoughts that I didn’t notice when my door had even opened for my room.

“Shouldn’t you be with Ava?”

“Maybe I should be, but I’m not am I?” I didn’t answer but instead moved so that I was laying on my bed with my eyes closed. I’d finally reached the last month of my first trimester and I was always exhausted. X sat on the edge of my bed and expertly started massaging my feet. I turned and moaned loudly into the pillow.

His rubbing was somehow erotic and turning me on, especially remembering what happened the last time he gave me a foot massage. Just like last time, his hands started to move up to my calves and he added peppery kisses on the inside of my legs.

“X.” I whisper moaned his name. I didn’t want anybody to hear what we were doing in here. He nipped the inside of my leg and I shuttered. His fingers stopped massaging my legs and found the bend of my shorts. He pulled down both my underwear and shorts and smiled when he looked at my core.

“Hmm I’ve missed having you.” He licked my folds and I took a sharp intake of breath. He used his tongue to open my folds and begin his barrage on my core. I writhed and moaned, but X didn’t stop.

“X, I’m going to- I’m gonna-” I didn’t finish my sentence before he pulled his mouth away. I felt tears of frustration building up in my eyes and I looked down at X.

“What’s going on between you and Luke?” My eyes widened. That is why he stopped?

“Nothing.” I tried to push my core back to his mouth but he held my hips down.

“Have you slept with him?”

“No, the only guy I want is you.” That was all it took before X connected his mouth back to my sensitive core and plunged his index finger into me. It sent me over the edge and I silently basked in the rolling waves of pleasure going through my body. Once my quivering was completely done, X stood up and sucked my juices off of his finger while staring straight into my eyes.

“Zoe, you are mine. Don’t you forget that.” X straightened his shirt and walked out of my room as if nothing had just happened.

I sat on my bed panting and staring at my bedroom door, not believing what had just happened. I was too exhausted to focus on X, so I just closed my eyes and drifted off into much needed sleep.


“Wake up! Zoe, get up!” I groaned and squinted my eyes open trying to focus on the person disrupting my sleep.

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