Getting to know Daniel

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"Your what!?!!" I screamed as I pushed him away roughly. He held his hands up in defence as he talked to me trying to calm me. "Dont worry, Im not like him, I mean as cruel as he is." "So in other words your still cruel. ... How on earth is that suppose to make me feel better!" I shouted again at him. "I dont know okay I just.. I didnt asked to be the one that was born in this world.. this is my life... besides ... Ive never seen the outside world before, this is going to be first since my 20th Birthday is coming up and... Im taking over as leader." I squinted my eyes. "Why are you telling me all this? I mean we just met how can you strust me so easily?" "Mabey because I know wouldnt dare to say anything, because you dont know anything about defence or fighting and also the fact that Im capable of killing you in a matter of seconds without any weapon or mutch effort." He saids seriously. My eyes widen as my face went deathly pale. He then suddenly bursted out laughing, and I mean actually laughing not faking or forcing just...natureral. This was the first time I saw one of these people laugh naturally. "Thats not funny." I said. "It was to me, damn you should have seen your face, man Ive never known what it felt like to really laugh, this is so knew." He said sadly "You mean... youve never laughed once nor felt the emotion called happiness?" I asked unbelievebly He just nodded, looking at the floor. "Wow, now I know why most of you are so serious all the time, youve never expierenced joy." I said shocked feeling a bit sad for Daniel. Why do I feel this sudden urge to comfurt him? "Yeah, well, now that Ive experienced it, I kindof feel exited and hyper." He said smiling. Wow, he had a smile! "Thats called agrenilon, Einstein" I said giggling. Wait, did I just giggle, I never giggled around guys, never. This is to much but Im enjoying it. What the hell! "Oh, I wonderef what that word you just said felt like, wow!" I smiled at him as he smiled back. "Can I ask you a favour?" He asked nervously. Why was he nervous. Gosh, he is so diffrent from the rest of them. "Well it depends on the favour." I said unshure. I cant believe Im trusting a guy a just met a few hours ago. "Once Im twenty, I want you to come with me out into the open and make me laugh like what you did now, I felt so fresh by just relieving stress in a good way and not bad." "Hmmm, it depends.." I said thinking. "On what?" He said. "Teach me how to fight." I ordered. "What?" He said looking flabberghasted. He wasnt expecting that now was he? I rolled my eyes. "Theach... me... how.... to... fight." I said slowly gestering to me then held up 2 fingers and then followed by a few punching moves I once saw on telivition. He raised an eyebrow at me, as he said, "Why are you doing?" "Isnt it obvious? Im trying to let a peanut brain like yourself, understand a forren language." He looked at me seriously as I insulted him, but broke out laughing once again. I smiled. No guy has ever thought I was this funny. "Okay, you have to teach me how to do that." He said through fits of laughter, sounding breathless. "Well its really easy actually, when you want, for example insult someone because they have no brains, you just take something that is dumb or tiny like, "you have the brain the size of a plant cell." See." I said smiling as he laughed, clutching his stomach tight, his face turning beatrood red. I couldnt help but laugh with him. "Why are you so different then the rest?" I asked him curiously. His laughter died down as he looked confused and then serious. "I dont know why, I just think that I was born that way... all I know is my father told me I have my mothers soul. But I wouldnt know her personality. She died during my birth." He said sadly. I dont know why but my hand flew to the place just above his elbow, as I said. "Im sorry, I know how you feel." Giving him a sad smile. I turned away from him looking at the ground in front of me as he frowened. I looked back at him, tears flooding my eyes. "Nobody has a perfect life with a perfect family." I said hoarsly with a crooked smile. "Why are you crying?" He said his eyes filled with worry. "Oh, its nothing, just some dust that flew into my eyes thats all." I said trying to avoid the subject that concernce my father. "Your lying to me." He stated I wiped my tears as I looked up at him and tried to put on a brave smile. "Im fine, dont worry." He looked me over once more then asked, changing the subject. "So... whats your name?" My eyes widen, what do I say now? "Umm ... can call me... um..Anna?" I said hesitantly. He frowened at my discomfurt then shruged saying, "Okay, Anna, I want you to meet the gang first and then we'll see what your good at." "Umm..okay.?." It came out more like a question then a statement. He looked at me as he smiled at me reasuringly. "Dont worry, they'r not animals they dont bite." "Pufft! Yeah, not animals hey? Well for you information, Ive witnessed enough to know the have the etiquette skills of a flea eating ape." Daniel started laughing and I frowned as I came out of my daze. "Whats so funny?" I asked "" he tryed saying but couldnt. "I what? Daniel?!" I said frustratedly. "Its just... that was the best... insult... Ive ...ever heard..." he said laughing through it all. Oh great! I talked out loud. He stopped laughing and looked at me seriously. "Just one piece of advice, dont say things like that to the others" he warned. "Notice self" I nodded as the elivator doors opened once more, and I walked out before being pulled back again. I looked right into Daniel's eyes and I was the one that was breathless now. "Anna?" He said. "Y-yeah?" I asked stuttering a bit. "Can we be ... you know... friends? Gosh this is inbaresing." He said flustered. "No! No its not, I think its ... sweet of you to want to be my friend." I said He looked up at me surprised smiling slightly as he asked, "Really?" "Yes" I answered. "So? You'll be my friend?" He asked once more. "I would be honnored to." I said as we both smiled widely.

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