Can't Stop the Urge..

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Every now and then we stopped and I showed Daniel a specific leave, tree and bush as well as some animals, mostly dear who we snuck up on silently.

I knew all their names from anything with paws and wings to things with twigs and leaves.

Daniel found this information very interesting and sometimes I caught him staring at me with wonder as I talked about some of the things I used to witness in my past as a young girl in the forest.

Especially about the time me and my father found a wolf pup without its mother. All alone and abandoned as I raised him as my own. I could still remember his silky white coat and soft pink paws as he stared at me with green eyes starting to turn golden.

When he reached the teenage faze we set him free but it wasnt that easy cause of how attached he was.

We then figured to find his own kind and set him free there, which worked as the wolf pack excepted him after a few days.

Sometimes we took a hike and once saw him challenge the alpha of the pack and won the battle.

I was so proud but after that I never saw him again and I dont think I will ever again.

"Wow! You sure know a lot for your age." he said surprised as I shrugged

"Everyone has there talents and benefits from it."

it was silent until he stood up and held his hand out for me as I took it and we explored further into the woods.

We've been here for four hours as the sun was setting.

We decided to spend the last hour and make a small fire and listen to night and the sounds of its creatures.

We made a fire next to an amazing waterfall we found and sat on a log watching the flames from a picture of its own.

We talked more and I found out that his mother was a lot like me, intelligent,beautiful and born with a strong soul.

That information made me blush.

Sometimes we laughed and other times we made each other laugh.

"So ... What else can you tell me about the woods?" Daniel asked me tossing more sticks and twigs into the fire.

"Hmm let's see.." I said looking around while a heard the wind blowing the pine trees and the cries of some of the forest animals.

I gasped as I jumped up in excitement.

"Watch this." I ordered as I cupped my hands around my mouth to form a trumpet as I howled into the night loudly, making Daniel jump slightly.

It was silent.

Daniel tried to say something but I shushed him, motioning for him to listen carefully.

Far away the sound of a wolf's howle echoed through the night, answering my call.

Daniel chuckled in excitement,

"Holy crap! That is so cool" he said amazed.

"I know right, come try." I motioned for him to come stand next to me.

He did and howled into the night, as we both chuckled.

We jumped, startled at the sudden loud howle of a wolf coming from close behind us.

"uh... Daniel... maybe we should go." I suggested as Daniel whispered

"Good idea"

I took some of the water from the waterfall and poured it over the glowing coals, as it made a hissing sound with steam radiating from it.

We walked back towards the way we came from as Daniel tried to lift the opening to the tunnel.

I took in the large structure before me.

It was the hide out.

It looked like a thick steel box with no entry except this well hidden door to an underground tunnel leading straight into the structure.

I heard a twig snap behind me while Daniel was still trying to get the door to budge.


"Not now, Im busy."

I stared wide eyed behind me at two glowing eyes that watched me intently from behind the bushes of the forest.

"I know its just...I'd hurry up if I were you." I said softly not turning my gaze away.

Daniel sighed and stood up to turn around, "what is so important that I shou-"

I cut him off as I slapped my hand over his mouth and motioned with my finger in the direction I was looking, as I whispered


His eyes moved towards the direction and widened as the two glowing eyes blinked twice at us.

"I see what you mean" he whispered back after gulping heavily.

He then turned around slowly to try and open the door once more when it finally slid open and he jumped in as I started to back up slowly when suddenly the creature leaped forward and charged, startling me as I slipped and fell into the whole.

Luckily Daniel caught me before I could land on my ass and closed the door with lightning speed.

We both had our backs against the wall to suport us from the shock wanting to numb our bodies.

We looked at each other and started laughing.

"you were scared shitless" Daniel commented now standing in front of me laughing, as I tried to defend myself.

"me?! You should have seen your face when you saw those glowing eyes. It was priceless" I laughed

"Dont you dare insult me o-" he warned playfully as I cut him off putting my hands on my hips and challenging him,

"Or what?"

Next thing I knew, I was pushed up against the wall by Daniel as he started kissing me roughly.

I wanted to stop but I couldnt, my knees felt weak, I felt weak. The only thing I could do was this.

I responded by kissing him back and putting my arms around his neck pulling him closer as I gasped at his touch around my waist as he pulled me tightly towards his body as I gave him access to kiss the side of my neck.

He then stepped away leaving just enough space for our bodies to lightly brush against each other.

He took my face in his hands and kissed me lightly on the lips.



As he pulled back, both of us were breathing heavily

How could you betray yourself?

I ignored the voice in my head and frowned

"I thought you said we cant be a couple?"

he sighed never leaving his gaze from mine,

"I know, but that was weeks ago and the more I saw of the real, gentle and strong Johanna the urge to make you mine was unbearable." he said kissing my lips softly again, pulling back and hugging me tightly against his chest.

I knew I betrayed myself by falling in love with him but maybe, just maybe he'll want to escape with me. Right?

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