Pain and Uncertainty

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"No! No! Nooooo! You won't get me alive!" I shouted as I struggled against the grip of the steal like plate I was placed against.

There were three guys that had to hold me down while the doctor carefully injected a serum into the side of my neck.

It burned and then my body went limp as they placed a gas mask on my face, covering my mouth and nose, as I quickly fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up with a painful sensation in the back of one of my shoulders and back hips. I was now lying down on my back in my temporary room.

No way in hell will I ever call it my room or home for that matter.

I groaned at the pain in my upper body as I tried to sit up. I then stood and walked towards the broken mirror to investigate where the pain is coming from.

I was horrified at the person staring at me in the mirror.

I looked dull, pally sick and skinny.

I mean yeah I haven't eaten mutch but something is definitely wrong, I could feel it.

My hair was dirty and oily. I reeked from sweat and what smelled like something used in a hospital. I suddenly felt as if the world turned upside down as I threw up in the sink before me, making the pain in my body escalate with seventy percent, tears slowly leaking from my eyes.

I washed the sink as well as my face and stared at the ghostly tired vision in front of me once more.

Just then the door opened and in came Daniel and of course...his big old buddy who calls me princess.

I glared at them both.

Daniel looked kind of uncomfortable. You better be. I thought, while his buddy smirked at my limp figure.

"So, how's our little princess doing?" He said knowing the answer.

I lifted my forefinger and pointed it at him putting on a fake grin as I said with sarcasm lacing my voice. "Actually, I'm quite relaxed really. The pain he caused was an excellent touch. "

He laughed at my comeback as he replied, "Then it looks like the doctor did as our leader said, against his will of course."

I stood up straight ignoring his reply, facing them now.

"Oh right, that reminds me. WHAT IN THE NAME OF ____ DID HE DO TO ME?!" I asked shouting the last part out loud, making it echo in the small room.


I shrieked as he came towards me at the speed of light, grabbing me by the throat and pinning me to the wall.

His face was near the side of my own as his breath tickled my ear.

"Do us all favour, princess. Stop shouting like a 2 year old or end up being a snack to the grey wolves!" He hissed against my ear through gritted teeth of anger.

He then smirked, letting his hand release it's grip slightly only to cares the soft skin with his index finger as he whispered in my ear again,

"I heard feisty kittens like you don't do good around hungry mutts."

This time he sounded very satisfied as he saw me quiver lightly.

"I think it's time to go Shaun, my father is expecting her and me only. You just want to tag along because your bored. You wont be having the discussion with us." Daniel interrupted, receiving a glare of hatred from the guy that had his finger still on my throat, who I presumed was Shaun.

Shaun let me go and barged out the door after shoving Daniel to the side and mumbling something about a ceremony.

I let out a shaky breath of relief and then glared at Daniel, not wanting to thank him.

I would rather have died just then.

For now, I just wanted clear and straight to the point answers.

"Daniel? What did that man do to my body?" I said with flarring rage.

Hmm... this is new. I never really get angry and aggressive that fast. Maybe my monthly time has come. I hope they have pads. Do they have pads? Where would they keep them? Okay, shove that thought to the side. I really dont want to know.

"He just fixed your fractured shoulder part near your neck, thats all." Daniel said shrugging casually. I frowned.

"Wait. How did you know he was going to operate on me? And how do you know about my fractured shoulder?" I asked suspiciously.

Daniel looked imberassed as he looked straight into the ground.

"I... My father tells me every thing, since Im taking his place soon."

My eyes widen with understanding but I was stilled pissed at him.

"I see." I said dryly.

"Yeah well, sorry about that, friends?" He asked as he offered me his hand.

I looked at it emotionless and said, "Maybe its best if we stay strangers."

He rolled his eyes as he let his hand fall heavily.

"I know you dont trust me but Im different, you said it yourself."

"Are you?" I asked shooting daggers at him.

The sound of silence lingered in the air is he clenched his jaw as he stared straight ahead.

He shook his head running a hand through his hair.

"You know what, lets just go."

And with that he was out the door, probably waiting for me to follow him.

I knew then and there that after this discussion with his father, I'll have to think of an escape plan.

Oh what the heck! Why not start planing now?

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