Don't Know Who I Am Anymore

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Okay just want to say that I have great news. I've already started with the sequel of this book but after the three chapters I've posted after this note I will only be allowed to update the 12th of December. At least it's not that long. And I promise that you guys will be overloaded with chapters.

I hope you guys like a long story cause this one is just getting started.

Whoop whoop!



"So? What are you going to do today"

Daniel asked me as he settled his hands around my waist, nuzzling his face into the side of my neck as I made us breakfast.

Oh. The things this guy does to me. But one or another time this has to stop. It must stop. We can't be together.

I smile and move away from him towards the coffee machine.

"I think I'm going to explore the woods a bit further, but it depends if your father wants me to start working" I said turning around with a mug of coffee in both my hands as I took small sips while leaning against the counter with my back.

"Yeah. He has something planned but his waiting for the right moment. Oh ! That reminds me, he wants to see you in his office just before sunset, something about the job you do?"

"Oh! Well okay. When you see him tell him I'll drop by." I tried to sound happy but failed miserably.

He frowned "What's wrong?"

"Oh I uh kind of have a head ache" I used an excuse.

"And you want to go explore the forest with a head ache? Come on Johanna, I know you're just faking to be happy while you're actually really mad, sad and frustrated at the fact my dad decided to kidnap you." He said seriously.

"OMG! That's so funny cause, that's precisely they way someone would feel in my situation. Don't you think? "I said sarcastically with annoyances as I set my empty mug down hard into the sink.

His eyes widen.

"Wow! What's gotten into you?"

I smiled sweetly at him as I walked towards him looking him dead in the eyes as I said.

"Lets get one thing straight, Okay?What happened yesterday, with the kiss. It meant nothing. Nothing to me. It was just me trying to drown my sorrows in utter lust. Nothing more."

I saw a spark of hurt flash through his eyes but he covered it up quickly with blankness, as he lifted his hands up in surrender, turning around, giving me his back.

"You know what. Maybe the exploring thing is not such a bad idea, infact it might just clear your head!" He said raising his voice a little in the end.

"Oh, I can a sure you. It will do much, much more then just that." I said sweetly with a menacing smile.

He rolled his eyes as he said,

"I'm gonna take a shower and then I'm of to work..."

"Yeah you do that!" I shouted after him as I heard the bathroom door shut behind him.

Well, I should do the same.

Luckily there are two bathrooms.

But why do you feel so crapy after that.

Shut up! I don't have feelings for him!

That's not what your heart tells me.

"UghHHH! Just f_ck off!!!"

To late did I realise that I said that out loud.

Daniel's head popped out from behind the wall.

"A, for the record this is my room and B, If you so desperately want me out of your sight just kill me. See if I care!" As I heard him slam the door to his bedroom shut with a loud bang.

Oops! My bad.

Well this is what I wanted right, to just be friends? No, we can't, not now, not ever will we be friends.

I wouldn't be so sure of that Anna.

"UghHHH! Stop! Calling me that!" I yelled yet again as I ran straight into the bedroom where Daniel was sitting on the bed staring at the floor, but he jumped up in alarm as he saw me burst through the doors heading right for my closet and started to ruffle wildly through the fabrics.

"What are you doing?" Daniel tryed to ask calmly but the panic in his voice was still present.

"Looking for some fresh clothes! What else!?"

"Okay jeez! I only asked!"

"Okay look, from now on I'm sleeping on the couch and you on your own freaking bed!" I said striding towards the door and quickly  turning to add something,

"And one more thing, don't talk to me, not a good morning nor a goodnight! Not a word!"

He just nodded as I did the same.


I laid there on my back on the soft green grass, looking at the sky through the evergreen trees towering like giants above me.

As the green leaves displayed a calidescope of colours onto the grass as the sun shine through it as well as on it.

The wind was cool and peacefull. Like a mother rocking her new born in her arms slowly with love and care.

I groaned and placed my hands over my face.

What am I doing?
I thought.

I felt my eyes start to water as a tear rolled down the side of my face and a soft sob escaped my quivering lips.

When will I ever get home?

I sat up, a bit dizzy looking at my surroundings.

Everything seamend so peaceful.

I frowned  in frustration and screamed my lungs out, making birds fly from the trees out of sudden fright.

I stood up and started running, while bushes, leaves and twigs brushed against me.

I could feel the cool air rushing by, cooling my flushed face as strings of hair fell lose from my bun.

I ran until I couldn't anymore and sank onto a rock near a different waterfall then the last one.

It was bigger, with mist floating on the surface of its little lake.

I sniffed and wiped my nose with the back of my hand, ghasping for air desperately.

I can't do this anymore! They haven't even begun using me and it's eating me alive not knowing precisely what I'm going to be doing.

I sniffed again as I pulled of my black boots and rolled up my black jeans, walking towards the water pool.

I went into the water , knee deep.

It cooled my anger down and relaxed my stiff muscles.

Draning all my sadness and misery.

My head jurked back as I suddenly heard a twig snap behind me, followed by the sound of crunching leaves getting harder and closer.

Someone or something was staking me as I stood very still, not making the slightest movement.

I only squinted my eyes as I saw the shadow of a hunched figure the size of a horse behind a large bush in front of me.

Oh great!

Big foot is having a special dinner tonight.

And the main course,


Bonappitit! As the French would say.

Or is it Italian?

Oh well! Either way, I'm screwed.

Messing with the wrong girlWhere stories live. Discover now