Complicated Agreement

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"I will not get married to your son!" I spitted at Daniels father, as I stood up with rage.

"You will! Or I will kill you personally and find a replacement thats worthier than you, you little piece of sh*t!"

I quivered in fear at his demon like voice.

"Father this is not what we agreed to." Daniel said through gritted teeth.

"Oh yeah? Then what did you agree to?" I asked annoyed and angry.

"Its none of your business!" he shot back.

"Where me and my life is concerned, then Yes, it is my freaking business!"


Me and Daniel both leaped into the air as his fathers voice boomed through the room.

"You!" He pointed a finger at me "will work for me and do as I say, and you!" He pointed towards Daniel, "will marry this b*tch even if I have to blackmail you"

Daniel stood up as did his father as they both looked each other dead in the eye, yearning for a fight.

"Do or try your worst!" Daniel grunted.

"Dont you da-.."

"Alright!" I butted in before his father could finish, and the two dominating males looked at me in surprised.

"I'll do as you please." I sighed heavily.

"Wonderful! Then its settled." His father said.


He turned around and looked at me annoyed and suspiciously.

"I get to go out into the woods every day or at least four times a week at anytime I please." I said.

He looked taken aback by my request.

"How do you know our location is hidden in the woods?"

"I can smell the wet bark of the trees, see the damp drops against your glass wall and Ive seen bugs and frogs come into my room through the drain. Plus you only serve a special type of meat belonging to a specified dear species with high protien"

"Smart ass." Daniel commented as his father ignored him.

"How do I know you wont try to escape?" He carried on.

"I think we both know that Im to smart to do something so stupid."

He grinned as he looked towards his grumpy son.

"I like her. She doesnt screw around. Shes perfect to be the right hand of the ruler! If you dont marry her I'll put someone else in your place, hmm. .. maybe Shaun"

Oh no I cant let this happen. I hatted Shaun.
"It wont be necessary, sir." I said

"And why is that?" They both asked in unison.

"Because..." I slipped one of my arms through Daniels putting my hand on his.

"I already love your son and maybe he can learn to love me?"

Daniel and his father, both looked at me shocked and Daniel sighed.

"Very well. Its settled, I will marry Anna while she works for you in exchange for letting her out into the woods, on one condition..." he paused.

"She gets to be tagged and monitored when ever she leaves this building."

I smile at his dad as I whispered to Daniel through gritted teeth,

"Little possessive, dont you think?"

He looked at me as he said "Its just to make sure you don't run off"

I wanted to glare at him but just said one word that symbolised failure, "Fine".

But I know for sure that this is not the end.

His father nodded in agreement of Daniel's choice.

"I'll send in someone to do that tomorrow morning." He said and then dismissed us with a quick swipe of his hand.

Just great... nothing could more fun, but more pain.

I lay here on a soft king size bed with ruby red covers, beige pillows with golden patterns and a wooden frame.

There was a large flatscreen TV in here as well as a wooden floor, highly decorated and clean kitchen, bathroom and so on.

Daniel's father suggested I stay in Daniel's room along with Daniel so we can bond.

Whatever that means.

I was against it at first but played along since I already said that I love Daniel, which was only a facade by the way.

I realise I have to get close to the enemie and get to know them and their surroundings before making my next move. But not too close, as it may complicate things.

Layla and Roxy brought me all my new clothes which mostly existed of black cat suits and high boots.

Right now I'm in a leopard printed T - shirt that hugs my curves and slim body figure while I had loose black shorts on.

When Daniel came in he looked shocked to see me like this but I saw a quick glint of admiration and pleasure cross his face.

I stood up to walk towards the bathroom, moving right past him as I said confidently and carelessly,

"Don't get use to it pretty boy, it won't last as long."

He frowned as I closed the door behind me.

Later I appeared again and found him lying on the bed shirtless wearing only black boxers.

My breath hitched at the seductive sight before me.

His slim suntanned body with strong biceps and an eighth pack.

I felt myself yearning for just one sip of him, but controlled myself and flopped down next to him and slept.

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