The rest of the gang

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Hey guys, just want to say that I wont be updating soon, cause of my very busy life. Im sure we all have just some more wors then others. Give me 2 months and I promise that you will be bombarded with chapters. Enjoy

---------------------------------------------He let me go and I walked into what looked like a cafetiria for jail brakers. Gosh! I hope their food are atleast decent and healty. Daniel led me to the row where some people were standing in line to get there food, while others sat on the tables spread out all around the room, all looking at the newbie. I smiled weakly. "Why are they staring at me?" I whisper asked Daniel. He looked at the onlookers and glared at them, as they all returned their gazes to their plates. "Who's they?" He said frowning as if he doesnt know what Im talking about. I looked back and saw every one minding there own bussiness. I frowned. What just happened? We took our food and went over to a table with a few guys and some girls. I noticed that everyone in this room was wearing black leather. Like I said, whats up with the leather? I took a seat at the only open spot that was empty, sitting my plate infront of me. Daniel just jumped onto the table sitting on it as he fist bumped some guys and even the girls. I scowled at some of the girls that strangled some boys, pushing their tongues down their throaths. "Eww!" I said only realising to late that I had said that out loud. "What is it?" Daniel asked me, trying to figure out wear my gaze had fallen. "Oh, umm I was just thinking..." I couldnt finish my sentence as I was interrupted by a high bratty like voice. "Daniel!!! Ah babe!! Where have you been all day, I thought you were come over today?" She said as she climbed onto Daniel's lap and started kissing him roughly while she strangled him. She had long blond hair with one black stripe on the side. Her lips were as red as a fireball and her long lashes as fake as can be. She also wore a leather jacket the zipped up in front, but she wore no top so most of her boobs and bra was exposed. She had a black short skirt and knee hight, high heal boots, almost higher then mine, coming up to atleast the mid thigh. Her nails were red as blood and as long as a witch's would be. Ugh! I hate her all ready. Not because she's lip locking with Daniel in front of me if thats what your thinking, because its not. Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I heard the familiar voice in my head again. Oh shut up will you, sometimes I just wish I could kill you, I thought back. As goes the same to you. I groaned, making the blond girl release her clutches from Daniel to look at me. Well more like a scowel as she put on a fake smile and asked through gritted teeth, "Who is this? Some filthy rat you found in the dumpster?" She giggled looking at him sweetly. He looked half irretated and imbarresed as he held her firmly by her waist, saying, "This is Anna, Anna meet my girlfriend Savlon, but we all call her Sav for short." "All? Or just you babe?" She giggled twirling one of her fingers in sircles on his chest. He ignored her as he whispered something in her ear. She nodded and final climbed of his lap as she looked at my direction one last time with bordem. Daniel jumped off the table and ordered me to follow him. I knew that if I dont do as they say I might die. Thats one thing Ive learned from watching the movie, Taken. He lead me to the middle of the room, where a small sqaure metal block stood. It was one meter high and there was just enough space for someone to stand on. Daniel helped me up and told me stand up straight, as I did so. The whole room fell silent, everyone staring at me. Daniel's voice boomed through the huge room. "Fellow gang members, I would like to introduce you to our new member, Anna, she'll be joining us soon, so be nice." He said as everybody laughed. Okayyyy? He then looked at me and then back to the gang. "Treat her with respect like you do to your other friends, and, try not to scare her to mutch." The all laughed again, but it was cruel and evil like. "Anna? Will you please tell us what you are good at, or us?" Daniel continued. A fhew guys stood up shouting perverted things, like. "I bet your good at getting someone hard just by looking at you!" "Hey babe! Drop by room 67, for a good time of cource!" Okay eww. "Do some pole dancing, without wearing your clothes!" Daniel held his hands up and everyone went silent, and the guys settled down again. Perverts!!! I hissed mentally. "Now, now, you'll get to know her soon. Now... Anna, if you please?" Every one looked at me exspectantly. Uhhh... what am I supose to say? "I-I dont know...actually. Maybe alot of things?" I said hesitantly. "Like for example?" Daniel pushed on. "I- uhhh..."

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