A Lot of Blood

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After Daniel 'calmed' me down, we went to the experimental room.

The metal plate thing was now positioned to look like a bed in the middle of the room.


I went and sat on it as Daniel stayed by the door, watching me intently.

"How are you feeling?"

"Um... A bit nervous but better then what I felt five minutes a go." I said casually. "Well you surely look better." He commented.

The doctor, Dr. Mad Goggles, (I gave him that nick name when I first saw him), came in with a little black suitcase in his one hand while he closed the door behind him with the other.

"Please tell me you have strong tape and chains near, cause last time she talked my ears of and almost harmed three guys."He said bored towards Daniel as Daniel stifled a laugh by looking at the ground and covering his hand over his mouth.

I glared at him.

"So your also someone who does transplantations. Wonderful." I said sarcastically rolling my eyes, shrugging my shoulders and looking boredly at the wall next to me.

"Yes. Lets get started. At least this time you look more like someone sane then before."

"Same goes to you" I said snarcky.

He just sighed and started to unlock his suitcase after setting it down on a nearby table.

From the position I was in, I could see that there were different types of vials in silinder formed tubes, sharp knives and other alien like objects that scared the crap out of me.

He then picked and held one of the tubes containing a yucky blue yellowish fluid and pressed in the needle point of an injection and sucked up the fluid.

He then came near me and motioned for me to stretch out my right arm.

I looked back and forth between him and the serum.

He rolled his eyes as he said,

"Im not about to kill you. This is just something to make the skin and flesh numb. After that you might want to look away."

I gulped heavily at his last sentence and nodded, as I gave him my arm, as he took it and injected the serum into my flesh just in between my wrist and elbow.

We waited a while for the serum to kick in as he tested my sensitivity ever three minutes.

After what felt like forever the time finally came to do the transplantation of the location device or monitor as they call it.

I know he said I might want to look away, but I forced my self to look, cause deep down, I knew that there will be more blood spilled, dripping off every inch of this buildings walls.

I saw him take out an object with a sharp blade.

My eyes bulged.

I wanted to throw up, and he hasnt even started cutting my flesh.

He then came near, took out a red marker out of one of his pockets and made a cross on my arm to symbolise his target.

Oh no! Here it comes!

I wanted to shut my eyes tightly, but forced myself to look as the blade sliced through my flesh as ruby red blood uised out of my vains, dripping heavily onto the floor.

I dint feel anything but the sight was enough to make my stomach turn into a hurricane as I looked away for a few seconds and then back.

He tied a piece of strong string around my arm above the cut, tightly to stop the blood circulation from flowing.

He then told me to lay my arm on a red towel that was placed on my lap, as he turned around to fiddle in his suitcase.

Yeah... dont worry, take your time, its no big deal that Im latterly bleeding to death!

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Daniel looking at the blood pool on the floor and to my arm that bled onto the towel, looking as if he had just tasted a revolting creation of a product.

I smiled.

At least I wasnt the only one feeling sick to the stomach.

The doctor then came to me once more with a huge object that he placed on the cut, that separated the two pieces of pierced flesh and then tucked a circle shaped object made of strong metal.

It was the size of a peanut with a blinking red light in the middle as the doctor had to move it side to side so it would go in.

By now the serum that was blocking the pain was subsiding and I whinsted as he started to patch up the cut with stitches.

After that he sprayed it with a anti infection serum, covered it with gauss and rapped bandages around my arm.

As Daniel and I walked out after the doctor explained to me how to keep it clean, he asked me "So how was it?"

"Fine. I thought it would have been worse" I said giggling nervously before collapsing in shock as Daniel cried out my name and caught me in time before I made contact with the floor.

I was then consumed by darkness in a flash.



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