"In the Blood"

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"I...uh.." He cleared his throat uncomfortably "...just going to watch a movie. I dont feel like sleeping."

"Oh! What movie are you going to watch?"

"In the Blood." he said shortly

"Um... arent you going to have nightmares or something?"

he smiled lightly at my sentence while watching the commercials before the movie starts,

"No. I havent had a nightmare in quite a long time"

"How old were you when the stopped?" I asked in interest, leaning on the side of the wall with my shoulder and head, to suport my sleepy limp figure.

"Since I was ten years old." he said.

He havent looked at me once through out the whole conversation.

"Wow! I guess your quiet lucky."

he looked at me with a blank expression.

"I wouldnt call it being lucky " he stated.

"And why is that?"

"Cause every time I witness the dream, I feel no emotion. Sometimes after Ive woken up, it doesnt bother me. I feel numb. Emotionless. Dead. None existent." he said softly and depressive.

It was silent for a moment, but not awkward silent, until I finally broke it.

"Can I... um. ..watch it with you?"

"Watch what?"

I rolled my eyes.

"The wall... dummy. No ! Im talking about the freaking movie!" I said sarcastically.

"Um.. I guess, but wont you have nightmares?" he shot back my question.

"No. I havent had a nightmare in quiet a long time." said his own answer mimicking his deep voice.

He chuckled and I smiled at the pleasure the formed inside me as well as a caring feeling.

I made him smile I thought.

"Oh fine. I'll get you a blanket and a pillow so you can hide your face every now and then." he said still smiling.

Before he could stand up I stopped him

"No! It's okay, the blanket is big enough for the both of us. We can share it"

his eyes widened at my statement and also confused as he turned his head slightly to the side, examining me carefully.

He swallowed hard and then said,

"I guess, but what if you need to look away."

"Oh that's easy! I'll just dive under the blanket and if it gets worse, then the couch will do too"

he laughed at me and shook his head motioning for me to come sit.

I didn't care if I only had my thin night gown on or him in his boxers, I just wanted to try being friends, and just friends.

Do you Johanna? Do you really want to be 'just' friends?

I shook my head wildly trying to get rid of the annoying voice that keeps getting louder every day.

Daniel noticed my action.

"Are you okay? Is the fever picking up again, or is it a headache? Wait I'll go get you some ice."

Before he could pass me I stepped in front of him as I placed my hand on his chest.

"No. It's fine I just want to sit down and watch the movie" I said looking him deeply into his eyes as he gulped heavily staring in mine as well with so mutch care and another emotion I could not decipher.

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