Telling Ethan

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Chapter 11

*Meet me next to the bathrooms asap.* I text Ethan. I ask my history teacher Mr. Peters if I can go to the bathroom and he says yes. I get up fast and go out the door. I start heading towards the bathrooms and I see Ethan there standing up against the wall. "Rachel what's up?" He asks concerned. "Listen Ethan I need to tell you something right now and it's not going to be good." "Ok. What is it Rachel?" He asks. "It's Sofia. She's using you?" "What are you talking about?" Then I tell him everything I just overheard word by word. "Stop Rachel." "What?" I say confused. "Stop, whatever your doing right now stop, Sofia would never do something like this." "Yes she would. Listen Ethan you have to believe me. Why would I lie?" "I don't know Rachel but I do know that Sofia isn't like that, we have something special." "But Eth-" "Rachel stop! You are being stupid and childish." Wow that hurt. "I'm being stupid and childish?! Your the one who thinks you have a perfect relationship with a girl who is using you!" "Just leave me the fuck alone" he says and walks away. I just stand there watching him walking away. Sofia won.

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