Ethans P.O.V

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Chapter 31

I am talking and laughing with Aaron, Jack and Grayson at the dinner table when all of a sudden I hear a very familiar voice. "Hi everyone." Rachel says. Suddenly my heart drops and I freeze. Grayson introduces Aaron and Jack to her and they start talking for a while. Then we look at each other for the first time in 3 years. "Hi Ethan." She says. She hasn't changed much. She still is just as beautiful as before maybe more. "Hi" I say. Everyone all sits back down and Rachel sits across from me. "So how've you been?" She asks trying to create small talk. "I've been great." I say a little sarcastically. "How've you been?" I ask. "I've been amazing. Just living the dream" yeah I know that's what you left me for, to live the dream. "That's good" I say then our conversation ends. Then I hear another familiar voice "hey guys!" I see that it is my girlfriend Jessica. I see Rachel tense up a bit. Does she know who she is? I stand up and give her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey babe." I say and pull out the chair next to me so she can sit down. Me and Jessica have been together for a year. She is amazing and I love her but I've never loved her as much as I loved Rachel. I don't think I ever will. "Uhhh this is Rachel" I say to Jessica realizing I didn't introduce them. "Hi it is nice to meet you." Rachel says to Jessica. "It's nice to meet you too. I feel like I've seen you before." "Oh well I'm a singer so maybe you've seen me on TV or on the cover of a CD." "Oh My Gosh! Your thee Rachel! I love your music!" Jessica says. "Thank you." Rachel says. Great. My girlfriend is a fan of my ex girlfriend. The rest of the dinner we all laugh and talk and me and Rachel never say a word to each other directly. We just look at each other every now and then. "Well I should get going. I have a meeting tomorrow early in the morning." Rachel says. "How early is this meeting?" Grayson says. "At 12" I laugh. "Wow how typical of you to think that 12 is early." I say. She laughs. "I guess some things never change." She says good bye to everyone and leaves.

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