Second Chance

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Chapter 41

I'm sitting on the chair in the airport bored out of my mind. I didn't want to use all my phone battery so I'm just sitting here. "Flight 325 leaving to Oregon is now seating passengers." I get up and start heading to where I'm supposed to go when all of a sudden I here someone calling my name "Rachel! Rachel wait!" I turn around and see Ethan running towards me. "Ethan?!" I say dropping my suitcase. He stops right in front of me and says "Rachel, I couldn't let you go until I told you how I feel. When you left for tour three years ago just a couple weeks after you broke up with me I was heartbroken. I didn't know how I could live without you. Now looking back I hate myself that I never fought for us, I just let you leave. I regret not fighting for you everyday. So when I got a second chance of you being in my life I'm not going to blow it again. I am going to fight for you Rachel, cause I love you. I love you so much Rachel. So please take me back before you go on this tour so I know that when you come back we will finally be together again." By now I am in tears. "Ethan I-I-I love you too. Of course I will take you back. I regret everyday breaking up with you and giving up on our relationship so fast." He just smiles and we kiss. "Last call for passengers on flight 325." "I got to go Ethan." I say disappointed. "It sucks that now I have to say good bye after just getting you back." He says sadly. Then a thought pops up in my head. "Come with me Ethan." "What?!" He says. "Come with me! On tour! Me and you can spend the whole month together traveling. So what do you say Ethan will you come with me?" "Oh my gosh Rachel yes! I'll go with you." I smile and we start running to our plane. "Do you have any extra tickets left?" I ask the flight attendant. "Yes actually we have one." "Ok can I buy it please?!" Ethan says. "Uhhh sure." Ethan gives her the money for the ticket and we take our seats. He is 5 seats away from me. I can't stop smiling. We keep on looking at each other and smiling. "I love you." He mouths. "I love you too." I mouth back. I have finally got him back.

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