I Love You

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Chapter 35

I wake up half asleep and I reach for my pillow that I always cuddle with to help me go back to sleep. I reach for it with my eyes still closed and instead touch Ethan's abs. I realize that I'm not at my house and I remember that I spent the night here. I open my eyes and pull my hand away from him. He opens his eyes as well and he just sees me staring at him. Great. Stalker much Rachel? He just gives me a small smile and I smile back. "Good morning." I say. "Good morning" he says back. I look at his alarm clock and see that it says 12:34 crap! I need to go to the studio and record my songs! "Oh my god I have to go!" I say panicked. I jump out of bed and realize I still have Ethan's shirt on and no pants. He just looks at me and things get awkward. "Oh sorry, I'm going to go change." I say. I go to the bathroom and get dressed fast. I give Ethan his shirt back and say "thank you for letting me use it. Tell Gray, Aaron and Jack I said bye for me." "Ok I will, your welcome." "K bye love you" I say and give him a hug and run out the door. As I walk out the front door I realize I just said I love you to Ethan. Oh my god. What did I just do? I didn't mean to say it, it just like came out for some reason. Should I go back in and tell him it was an accident? I look at the time and see that it says 12:46 I don't have time. I have to be at the studio by 1. I'll deal with it later.
Ethan's P.O.V:
Oh my god wtf? Did she just say I love you? And then give me a hug?! Maybe she didn't mean it, it was an accident or something. But wouldn't she have told me if she accidentally said it? Maybe she just said I love you as a friend? In thinking too much about this. It was probably nothing. Or was it something?

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