The Morning After

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Chapter 20

The next day I wake up smiling. I haven't been this happy for a long time. Me and Ethan told Grayson about us yesterday and he was happy for us. I'm happy that I have an amazing best friend like him. I call Ethan. "Good Morning beautiful." He says in his just woke up voice. "Good morning handsome, so how do you feel about skipping school today and just hanging out at my place. I have lots of movies and food." "What about your parents?" "There working" "ok then sounds good to me. Are we inviting Grayson?" "Nahhh lets just have it be us today. I'm sure he'll understand." "Ok baby I'll be there in 5" I hang up and look in the mirror really quick. I brush my long black hair and change into some sweats and a tee shirt. Ethan walks in just as I finished putting on my shirt. "So what movie are we watching first Rachel?" "Ummm I don't know lets watch something scary" "Texas Chainsaw Massacre it is." Ethan puts in the movie and plops on the bed next to me. I cuddle up next to him and we start watching the movie. After about 15 minutes into the movie Ethan says " You've never sang in front of me." "What?" I say sitting up. "You know, you've never sang in front of me I've never heard you sing." "Yes you have! You always here me sing in the shower when your here." I say. "I know but you've never actually sang to me. You have an amazing voice Rachel and I want to hear it." "Ok then I'll sing to you." I say a little nervous. "Really?! Yay!" He says and then turns off the T.V. I start to sing The Heart Wants What It Wants by Selena Gomez. After about a minute of singing I open my eyes and Ethan is just staring at me with love in his eyes. "That was beautiful Rachel." I just smile and we stare at each other for a while and then he leans in. I start to lean in to until our lips touch. Sparks fly and as soon as we kissed I knew I was in love.

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