Telling Ethan And Grayson

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Chapter 27

I pull into my driveway and go straight to there house. I walk in and go upstairs. I go into Ethan's room and see him lying sprawled out on the bed. He must be exhausted. I go and lay beside him. "Hi" he says. "Hi, so I need to tell you something." He sits up. "What do you need to tell me Rachel?" "I want to tell you and Grayson at the same time so let's go into his room. We go into Grayson's room and I lay on Grayson's bed. "Gray I need to tell you and Ethan something." "Um, ok what is it?" "Since my EP was a success I am going on tour in two months and I was only going to be gone for 2 months but I decided to tour some of Canada too so it is going to be 3 months." They both stare at me with there eyes wide and jaws dropped. "Oh my gosh Rachel in so happy for you!" Grayson says. At least he is happy about it. I look at Ethan and his face is blank. "Rachel do you mind if we go talk in my room for a second." I walk with him to his room. I sit on the bed and he closes the door. "You are leaving for 3 months Rachel?! That is a long time for you to be gone." "I know Ethan but I'm living my dream and going on tour! Aren't you happy for me?" "Of course I am Rachel but you don't understand 3 months is a very long time for you to be gone." Now I was just starting to get mad. "So you can leave for tour and follow your drama but I can't?" "I'm not saying that Rachel, it's just that I was only gone for a little over a month you are going to be gone for 3 months! 2 months wouldn't have been as bad but you decided you wanted to leave for 3 so you could tour Canada too! Do you really not care that your going to be gone that long?!" How could he say that. Of course I care but I want to follow my dreams too. "Ethan of course I care! But I want to go to Canada as well! Is that so bad that I want to tour?!" Before he could answer I add "you know what it doesn't matter cause I'm going to be gone for 3 months and you need to accept it just like I did when you left and shut me out of your life for a month and a half." After I said that I just ran out of his room and out the door.

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