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Tears came down my eyes as I look at my reflection in the mirror. No makeup and no sympathy for myself. I was told you can't knock a queen hustle. Thats a lie. I knock my own hustle. I knew my vows but I destroy that. Had a man who love me and a man who wanted to bed me. This wasn't fair , life wasn't fair. For this point on I didnt give a damn about trying.
I was starimg at a woman who betrayed her husband. A woman who thought she was above everybody , just like that I quickly got knock off without knowing. I wanted to blame God cause he let this happen but I could only blame myself for my shit. My baggage was my baggage.

As I look at the reflection I seen a man. He was hurt , pain and betrayed.
"Sad but I still love your cheating ass."Mike said.
My mouth curved up into a frown. After everything he still love me. At this moment I didn't love me.

"Im sorry." I whisper.
He nodded his head and step closer. His hands wrap around my waist squeezing my stomach.
"I know you are Liz. I believe you. But I need you to think about this. I want a family but I wont raise another nigga child if and only if you are pregnant." He said.

I nodded my head and wet tears stain his white press shirt.
"I need to leave for work but we will talk." He said.
And with that he was gone like always. He always ran away from our problems without fixing it.

Stripping out my clothes i seen invisible marks that was different. No bruises but still pain. Some wounds never heal , especially the ones I left on my husband heart for Christ sake.

Just when I was about to slide inside the shower the door bell rung. I quickly retrieve my long shirt and went to open the door. My mouth gap open as I seen a face I never expect to come here not even once.

"Richard." I said.
His name roll off my tongue like a nasty taste I couldn't even bite.
He rub his hands together and said, "Liz."

I stood in the doorway blocking him from entering my home. He was a homewrecker and so was I.
"Not going to let a nigga in , huh?" He ask.

I hesitantly step back and let him into my home.
I watch as he glance around and nodded his head in approval.
"This is nice , Pam was right." He said.
"Oh yeah I forgot you never step foot in here." I said playimg dumb.
He nodded his head and gave me a one over. "You been crying?" He ask.
"Nah." I lied.
He walked up to me and wipe away my dry desserted tears that was long to come.

"You dont gotta lie to me girl. Wassup?" He ask.
"I mess up , we mess up. The grass is no greener on the other side as I believe." I admitted.

He shook his head slowly and said. "I gotta break your heart." He said.
"How? It's no love lost just lust lost." I told him.
I had to bit the inside of my cheek and tighten my eyes. Here another man was hurting me before I could hurt him.

"I got herpes." He said.
My heart stop then went on. I felt like I was running but getting nowhere. He didn't just said what I though he said.

"Pardon?" I ask speaking louder than necessary.
"I have herpes. "He repeated.
"Nigga I fucking heard you. What the fuck? Did you knew about this shit?" I shout.
He back up as I begun moving my hands while I shout.

He nodded his head and spoke. "I should have told you." He said.
Tears came down my eyes once again. This man who had raw sex with me told me he had an STD. He probably infected me. The bad thing about it he knew he had the shit and didn't say nothing.

I walk up to him and slap him. "You think that shit cool? Rawing me and not informing me about your itching penis? Huh? I wouldn't even do that to my worst fucking enemy. Fuck you trying to do, kill me? You knew you was infected Richard but yet you took it upon yourself to raw me and nut inside me , knowing." I yelled.
As of right now I didn't give a damn who heard me.
"Listen you need to calm down." He said putting his hand on my shoulder.
I knock his hand down and poke him in his temple. "Me calm down? You aint shit you poor as dirt you aint shit. Going around here rawing people with your dangerous ass dick. I dont care how good the dick was it aint shit now." I shout.

"Man calm down you like it just like me." He said.
"You round here trying to kill people and wanna tell me to calm down. Nigga get the fuck out my Got damn house." I yelled.

He look at me and walk out shaking his head. This couldn't be life forreal.

I drop to my knees and repeatedly prayed but I felt like I was unanswered. This man appear at my house and announce he had herpes like he won some damn trophy or some shit. I cause half this on myself.

I remember when I first met his ass. I couldn't stand him due to the fact he was beneath me. We was on the same believe it or not.
I just had money well it wasnt even my money.

My kneees began shaking Mike was going to kill me fuck! I was going to kill me but not before I get myself check out.

"You finally told her?" I ask Richard.
He nodded his head and I grin.
"You going to spend your life with me. I accept the fact that you caught some shit. I could have left your ass but I stayed by your side. Most women would have kill your ass." I told him.

Yeah I knew my husband got herpes but shit I didnt give it to him surprisingly. He wanted to stick his water hose into every flower pot. One time his ass stick his hose into a cactus and got bit hella bad.

"Look I didnt wanna fuck her but it happen. I dont regret sexing shawty up I just regret not using a condom." He told Me.

I felt the fast beating of my heart and I stare at him. "How dare you? You gave me herpes but you never apologize for the shit I just accept it. Now you telling me you regret you gave some jump off broad a disease? You got to be fucking kidding me Richard. Im your goddamn wife for Christ Sake. You my husband." I shout.
"Man cut the act. You acting like that pussy of yours holy. You been fucking everything walking and talking so don't play. The only big difference is your ass didn't get caught." He reply.

I clench my hands together making a tight fist and stare at the man I once love. "You love her?" I whisper.
"Huh?" He ask.
"Richard dont do this. Do you love her Richard? Do you got love for her?" I ask.
He nodded his head and my chest crack. He had feelings for someone who wasnt his wife.

"Richard we are married. I sleep by your side every night nigga! How can you catch feelings for someone else? No matter what we went through I was still here. " I shout.
How could this man who is my husband have feelings for someone else? How can he do that to me.

"I know That Pam." He said dryly.
"And remember that next time you go out and get something. I love you even through I don't show it. I fought for this marriage Richard. You probably got a baby on the way and im trying my best to cope with it I really am. But you got to meet me halfway Richard , im begging you goddamnit , im pleading for once." I said.

"Im sorry Pamatha." He told me.
"You damn right and you have the nerves to call yourself a fucking man. Im more of a man than you will ever be. Richard I was careful not to get knock up from another nigga or bring something I cant get rid of. That was all I ask of you. Thats all." I said.

"Hear me out. Why we bringing up this shit again? Look I will make sure she aint pregnant , alright?" He told me.
"I dont trust you I really dont. I lost trust in you. Our marriage is base on lies and hurt. Nigga I rode til the freaking wheels fall off. Them shit been gone. Money didnt mean shit to us til. You use to make My heart skip a beat but I don't know. How can you love another woman you barely know. You suppose to love me and only me your wife." I said.

"Its nothing wrong with you? Let me guess your ass been faithful from the jump? Dont play me ma. Your ass slept with the director , my boss , my homeboy and more. Matterfact I dont have time for this shit. You lucky I even got love for you." He told me.

"You was everything I ever dream of. Now you my nightmare and imma make sure I am your nightmare too." I told him

Sorry chapter is really short.
My phone broke so im on my spare phone. But leave votes and comments. The longer y'all take the longer I take.

Thoughts on Richard?
Do yall think Pam really love Richard?
Do you fell bad for Liz? Or Pam?
#Liz? Or #Pam?

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