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Some may say I'm dumb probably even insane for divorcing a man who was going to accept all the shit i done to him. Thats what you call real love. It hurting me to get a divorce but i need to learn to grow up and walk on my own. I need to appreciate Mike as the man he is and also vice versa.

I placed sheds over my face to hide who i was. Last thing i need to do was be spotted getting an std test and pregnancy test. The world already know how much of a whore i am. I even had a teen spot me out in the grocery store asking why i cheated on my husband on national television. The response i had didn't seem good enough so i just brush past her.

"Elizabeth Kane." A nurse shout.
People turn their heads and look at me in awh. Probably thinking it couldn't be the same Liz that was letting another lady husband ride her like she didn't have no morals. Yeah it was me in the flesh.

I stood up straightening my dress out before i follow after her. Once i got in she gave me a chart to full out. "Std test?" She question.
I nodded and said. "And pregnancy."

She walk out the room and brought me a pregnancy test and said. " We going to draw blood today but we cant promise your std test wont be back until the end of next week. If i could rush the results i would. But for now tell me have you had any usually symptoms that make have question your choice?" She ask.
I shook my head nothing was out of the ordinary.
She smiled and said. "I hope all is well. For now limit on sex. Std is nothing to take for granted . Its a matter. A woman of yourself should know practice safe sex and if not always question your partner first." She said.

My face beet with embarrassment. Instead of replying i took the pregnancy test to the bathroom and peed on the stick.

God please don't let me be pregnant nor have an std. God knows im not too stable right now. Lord defiantly not the std. But if the pregnancy your will, then it be your will.


I brought the test back and sat it on the pan waiting for the three minute timer to go off.
"I can tell a baby is not in your interest." The nurse said.
I didn't bother to look at her name tag. I didnt care to know or wanted to. I didn't even wanted to be laid up in this place.
"Its not." I said dryly.

There was complete silence between us then the damn timer went off. In three minutes i can walk out here with a baby or not. I was praying not.
I watch as she pick up the test and examine it. "Congratulations-" She started before i cut her off.

"Ohh hell nah. Let me take that shit over again."I said.
"Before you rudely interrupted me i was going to say congratulations you dodge a bullet. You are not pregnant." She said with a hint that she was fed up with my attitude.

I didnt care she didn't knew me from the back of her hand. How she feel didnt matter to me.
Once i step out the clinic i was relieved. I was scheduled to meet my divorced lawyer. You know Mike tried to represent his self? Damn fool.

It took me fifteen minutes to get to the meeting. When i got there Mike was looking at his watch annoyed. Our lawyers was there staring at me as i open the door.
"Thought you had second thought." I heard Mike mumbled.
I shrug and sat in the chair across from him. I wasnt about to give him the pleasure of hitting me if things got ugly.
"You all know why you are here today?" His lawyer Melina said.
We both nodded and she was opened her brief case handing the papers to my lawyer who go by the name Albert. Albert took the papers and examine it. I didn't know if it was good or bad. I expect Mike to leave me high and dry on the streets.

"My client want to split things 25 and 75." Melina said.
"Excuse me? I must be getting 75." I blurted out.
"You the one who eho wanted a divorce like your ass self made. I am well was the bread winmer in the marriage. I bust my ass making sure you are happy. You getting financially paid. You living expenses will have to be cut down a little short." Mike told me.

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